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This demo shows two implementations of scrolling in the JavaScript Popup component.

When you click the first Show JavaScript Popup button, a JavaScript Popup with a native scrollbar appears. The component always displays a native scrollbar when the height of the JavaScript Popup's content is greater than that of the JavaScript Popup.

A click on the second Show JavaScript Popup button also displays a JavaScript Popup with a scrollbar, but this scrollbar belongs to the ScrollView component. This implementation is more flexible. For example, you can enable right-to-left representation or scroll the content to a specific position. For more information about the available options, refer to the ScrollView API section.

To implement the second solution, follow the steps below:

  1. Wrap the content in the ScrollView component and place it in the JavaScript Popup container.

  2. Set the height and width of the ScrollView to 100% of the popup content area.

Backend API
import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Button } from 'devextreme-react'; import { Popup, ToolbarItem } from 'devextreme-react/popup'; import ScrollView from 'devextreme-react/scroll-view'; export default function App() { const [popupVisible, setPopupVisible] = useState(false); const [popupWithScrollViewVisible, setPopupWithScrollViewVisible] = useState(false); const showPopup = useCallback(() => { setPopupVisible(true); }, [setPopupVisible]); const showPopupWithScrollView = useCallback(() => { setPopupWithScrollViewVisible(true); }, [setPopupWithScrollViewVisible]); const hide = useCallback(() => { setPopupVisible(false); setPopupWithScrollViewVisible(false); }, [setPopupVisible, setPopupWithScrollViewVisible]); const bookButtonOptions = useMemo(() => ({ width: 300, text: 'Book', type: 'default', stylingMode: 'contained', onClick: hide, }), [hide]); return ( <React.Fragment> <div className="demo-container"> <div className="button-container"> <Button text="Show Popup" type="default" width={300} onClick={showPopup} /> <div className="label"> A native scrollable container </div> </div> <div className="button-container"> <Button text="Show Popup" width={300} onClick={showPopupWithScrollView} /> <div className="label"> The ScrollView </div> </div> </div> <Popup width={360} height={320} visible={popupVisible} onHiding={hide} hideOnOutsideClick={true} showCloseButton={true} title="Downtown Inn"> <div className="popup-content"> <div className="caption">Description</div> In the heart of LA&apos;s business district, the Downtown Inn has a welcoming staff and award winning restaurants that remain open 24 hours a day. Use our conference room facilities to conduct meetings and have a drink at our beautiful rooftop bar. <br /><br /> <div className="content"> <div> <div className="caption">Features</div> <div>Concierge</div> <div>Restaurant</div> <div>Valet Parking</div> <div>Fitness Center</div> <div>Sauna</div> <div>Airport Shuttle</div> </div> <div> <div className="caption">Rooms</div> <div>Climate control</div> <div>Air conditioning</div> <div>Coffee/tea maker</div> <div>Iron/ironing</div> </div> </div> </div> <ToolbarItem widget="dxButton" toolbar="bottom" location="center" options={bookButtonOptions} /> </Popup> <Popup width={360} height={320} visible={popupWithScrollViewVisible} onHiding={hide} hideOnOutsideClick={true} showCloseButton={true} title="Downtown Inn"> <ScrollView width='100%' height='100%'> <div className="caption">Description</div> In the heart of LA&apos;s business district, the Downtown Inn has a welcoming staff and award winning restaurants that remain open 24 hours a day. Use our conference room facilities to conduct meetings and have a drink at our beautiful rooftop bar. <br /><br /> <div className="content"> <div> <div className="caption">Features</div> <div>Concierge</div> <div>Restaurant</div> <div>Valet Parking</div> <div>Fitness Center</div> <div>Sauna</div> <div>Airport Shuttle</div> </div> <div> <div className="caption">Rooms</div> <div>Climate control</div> <div>Air conditioning</div> <div>Coffee/tea maker</div> <div>Iron/ironing</div> </div> </div> </ScrollView> <ToolbarItem widget="dxButton" toolbar="bottom" location="center" options={bookButtonOptions} /> </Popup> </React.Fragment> ); }
import React, { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import { Button } from 'devextreme-react'; import { Popup, ToolbarItem } from 'devextreme-react/popup'; import ScrollView from 'devextreme-react/scroll-view'; export default function App() { const [popupVisible, setPopupVisible] = useState(false); const [popupWithScrollViewVisible, setPopupWithScrollViewVisible] = useState(false); const showPopup = useCallback(() => { setPopupVisible(true); }, [setPopupVisible]); const showPopupWithScrollView = useCallback(() => { setPopupWithScrollViewVisible(true); }, [setPopupWithScrollViewVisible]); const hide = useCallback(() => { setPopupVisible(false); setPopupWithScrollViewVisible(false); }, [setPopupVisible, setPopupWithScrollViewVisible]); const bookButtonOptions = useMemo( () => ({ width: 300, text: 'Book', type: 'default', stylingMode: 'contained', onClick: hide, }), [hide], ); return ( <React.Fragment> <div className="demo-container"> <div className="button-container"> <Button text="Show Popup" type="default" width={300} onClick={showPopup} /> <div className="label"> A native scrollable container </div> </div> <div className="button-container"> <Button text="Show Popup" width={300} onClick={showPopupWithScrollView} /> <div className="label"> The ScrollView </div> </div> </div> <Popup width={360} height={320} visible={popupVisible} onHiding={hide} hideOnOutsideClick={true} showCloseButton={true} title="Downtown Inn" > <div className="popup-content"> <div className="caption">Description</div> In the heart of LA&apos;s business district, the Downtown Inn has a welcoming staff and award winning restaurants that remain open 24 hours a day. Use our conference room facilities to conduct meetings and have a drink at our beautiful rooftop bar. <br /> <br /> <div className="content"> <div> <div className="caption">Features</div> <div>Concierge</div> <div>Restaurant</div> <div>Valet Parking</div> <div>Fitness Center</div> <div>Sauna</div> <div>Airport Shuttle</div> </div> <div> <div className="caption">Rooms</div> <div>Climate control</div> <div>Air conditioning</div> <div>Coffee/tea maker</div> <div>Iron/ironing</div> </div> </div> </div> <ToolbarItem widget="dxButton" toolbar="bottom" location="center" options={bookButtonOptions} /> </Popup> <Popup width={360} height={320} visible={popupWithScrollViewVisible} onHiding={hide} hideOnOutsideClick={true} showCloseButton={true} title="Downtown Inn" > <ScrollView width="100%" height="100%" > <div className="caption">Description</div> In the heart of LA&apos;s business district, the Downtown Inn has a welcoming staff and award winning restaurants that remain open 24 hours a day. Use our conference room facilities to conduct meetings and have a drink at our beautiful rooftop bar. <br /> <br /> <div className="content"> <div> <div className="caption">Features</div> <div>Concierge</div> <div>Restaurant</div> <div>Valet Parking</div> <div>Fitness Center</div> <div>Sauna</div> <div>Airport Shuttle</div> </div> <div> <div className="caption">Rooms</div> <div>Climate control</div> <div>Air conditioning</div> <div>Coffee/tea maker</div> <div>Iron/ironing</div> </div> </div> </ScrollView> <ToolbarItem widget="dxButton" toolbar="bottom" location="center" options={bookButtonOptions} /> </Popup> </React.Fragment> ); }
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App.tsx'; ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('app'), );
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import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import App from './App.js'; ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));
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.label { font-size: 12px; } .demo-container { height: 450px; display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; gap: 40px; } .button-container { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; gap: 15px; } .dx-popup-content { font-size: 12px; } .caption { padding-bottom: 8px; font-weight: 500; } .content { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .popup-content { height: 100%; width: 100%; }