JavaScript/jQuery PolarChart - commonAxisSettings.stripStyle
An object defining configuration options for strip style.
Strips are the highlighted areas of a chart within a defined range of values (maximum and minimum) for an axis to which they belong. In general, strips are used to visually represent a range of values behind a series, to trace whether the series point values fall in or out of that range. For more details on strips, refer to the Strips topic.
To set options for configuring strip style, define the stripStyle object within the argumentAxis or valueAxis configuration object. To set common options for all strips in a chart, define the stripStyle object within the commonAxisSettings configuration object. Note that the values that are set for an individual axis override the corresponding common values.
A strip label displays descriptive information on a strip. To set options for configuring the strip label style, define the stripStyle.label object within the argumentAxis or valueAxis configuration object. To set common options for all strip labels in a chart, define the stripStyle.label object within the commonAxisSettings configuration object. Note that the values that are set for an individual axis override the corresponding common values.