This function must return a filter expression. The simplest filter expression has the following format:
[selector, selectedFilterOperation, filterValue]
- selector
A data source field to be filtered. selectedFilterOperation
A comparison operator. One of the following: "=", "<>", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "between", "startswith", "endswith", "contains", "notcontains".NOTEFor the "between" operator, the returned filter expression has a slightly different format:[[selector, ">=", startValue], "and", [selector, "<=", endValue]]
A user input value. Values the selector provides are compared to this value.
In the following code, the calculateFilterExpression function implements an exclusive between operation. This is done by overriding the default inclusive implementation.
$(function() { $("#filterBuilderContainer").dxFilterBuilder({ // ... fields: [{ calculateFilterExpression: function (filterValue, selectedFilterOperation) { if (selectedFilterOperation === "between" && $.isArray(filterValue)) { var filterExpression = [ [this.dataField, ">", filterValue[0]], "and", [this.dataField, "<", filterValue[1]] ]; return filterExpression; } // Invokes the default filtering behavior return this.defaultCalculateFilterExpression.apply(this, arguments); }, // ... }] }); });
import { DxFilterBuilderModule } from "devextreme-angular"; // ... export class AppComponent { calculateFilterExpression (filterValue, selectedFilterOperation) { let field = this as any; if (selectedFilterOperation === "between" && Array.isArray(filterValue)) { var filterExpression = [ [field.dataField, ">", filterValue[0]], "and", [field.dataField, "<", filterValue[1]] ]; return filterExpression; } // Invokes the default filtering behavior return field.defaultCalculateFilterExpression(arguments); } } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxFilterBuilderModule ], // ... })
<dx-filter-builder ... > <dxi-field [calculateFilterExpression]="calculateFilterExpression" ... ></dxi-field> </dx-filter-builder>
In the previous code, the defaultCalculateFilterExpression function invokes the default behavior. You can omit the function call if you do not need it.
keyword refers to the field's configuration.caption
If you do not specify this option, the FilterBuilder generates the caption based on the dataField option. For example, if dataField is "fullName", the caption is "Full Name".
Use the FilterBuilderFieldDataType
enum to specify this option when the widget is used as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control. This enum accepts the following values: String
, Number
, Date
, DateTime
, Boolean
, and Object
An alias for the editorTemplate option specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information.
Depending on the dataType, the FilterBuilder offers a user different widgets for editing: TextBox, DateBox, Lookup, etc. In the editorOptions object, you can specify options for the widget.
Do not specify the onValueChanged option in this object. If you need to add custom logic to the standard value change handler, override the handler in the onEditorPreparing function in the following manner.
$(function() { $("#filterBuilderContainer").dxFilterBuilder({ // ... onEditorPreparing: function(e) { if (e.dataField == "requiredDataField") { var standardHandler = e.editorOptions.onValueChanged; e.editorOptions.onValueChanged = function(e) { // Overriding the standard handler // ... // Custom commands go here // ... standardHandler(e); // Calling the standard handler to save the edited value } } } }); });
import { DxFilterBuilderModule } from "devextreme-angular"; // ... export class AppComponent { onEditorPreparing (e) { if (e.dataField == "requiredDataField") { let standardHandler = e.editorOptions.onValueChanged; e.editorOptions.onValueChanged = function (e) { // Overriding the standard handler // ... // Custom commands go here // ... standardHandler(e); // Calling the standard handler to save the edited value } } } } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxFilterBuilderModule ], // ... })
<dx-filter-builder ... (onEditorPreparing)="onEditorPreparing($event)"> </dx-filter-builder>
An alias for the editorTemplate option specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information.
Name | Type | Description |
field |
The condition's configuration. |
filterOperation |
The condition's operation. |
setValue |
A method that you should call to change the field value after the editor's value is changed. |
value | | | |
The condition's data field value. |
Specifies the false value text. Applies only if dataType is "boolean".
The following table lists default operations by data type:
dataType | filterOperations |
"string" | [ "contains", "notcontains", "startswith", "endswith", "=", "<>", "isblank", "isnotblank" ] |
"numeric" | [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "between", "isblank", "isnotblank" ] |
"date", "datetime" | [ "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "between", "isblank", "isnotblank" ] |
"boolean" | [ "=", "<>", "isblank", "isnotblank" ] |
"object" | [ "isblank", "isnotblank" ] |
The "isblank" operation returns null values and empty strings; "isnotblank" returns other values.
Use the FilterBuilderFieldFilterOperations
enum to specify this option when the widget is used as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control. This enum accepts the following values: Equal
, NotEqual
, LessThan
, LessThanOrEqual
, GreaterThan
, GreaterThanOrEqual
, Between
, NotContains
, Contains
, StartsWith
, EndsWith
, IsBlank
, and IsNotBlank
This option also controls the user input in cells that use the DateBox widget for editing. For cells that use other widgets, you can specify the editorOptions.format option.
$(function(){ $("#filterBuilderContainer").dxFilterBuilder({ fields: [{ dataField: "SaleAmount", format: "currency", editorOptions: { format: "$ #,##0.##" } }, // ... ] }); });
import { DxFilterBuilderModule } from "devextreme-angular"; // ... export class AppComponent { fields = [{ dataField: "SaleAmount", format: "currency", editorOptions: { format: "$ #,##0.##" } }, // ... ]; } @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... DxFilterBuilderModule ], // ... })
<dx-filter-builder [fields]="fields"> </dx-filter-builder>
See Also
Specifies the field's name. Use it to distinguish the field from other fields when they have identical dataField values.
Specifies the true value text. Applies only if dataType is "boolean".