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jQuery/JS Common - Utils

This section describes an API that can be used in different application parts such as widgets, data and the application framework.


A repository of animations.

import animationPresets from "devextreme/animation/presets"

To avoid defining animations each time you animate an element(s), register different animations in the DevExtreme.animationPresets repository and request them by associated names when required. This repository has a built-in set of animations. Here they are:

  • fade
  • stagger-fade
  • slide
  • stagger-slide
  • ios7-slide
  • overflow
  • ios7-toolbar
  • stagger-smooth-drop
  • stagger-drop
  • stagger-3d-drop
Stagger-like animations are executed by the transitionExecutor only. They cannot be applied by calling the animate method for a particular element.

To populate the animationPresets repository with your animations, use the registerPreset(name, config) method. To get the required animation from the repository, use the getPreset(name) method.


Gets the current global configuration.

import config from "devextreme/core/config"
Return Value:



Configures your application before its launch.

import config from "devextreme/core/config"


Global configuration options.

    rtlEnabled: true,
    forceIsoDateParsing: false,
    // ...
// ===== or when using modules =====
import config from "devextreme/core/config";

    rtlEnabled: true,
    forceIsoDateParsing: false,
    // ...
This method should be called only once - at the application's launch. It is necessary to reload the page each time you need to apply new global configuration parameters.


An object that serves as a namespace for the methods and events specifying information on the current device.

import DevicesObject from "devextreme/core/devices"


This namespace provides methods for controlling events without using jQuery.


An object that serves as a namespace for the methods that are used to animate UI elements.

import fx from "devextreme/animation/fx"


Hides the last displayed overlay widget.

import hideTopOverlay from "devextreme/mobile/hide_top_overlay"
Return Value:


true if hiding was successful; false if not or if no displayed overlay widget was found.


An object that serves as a namespace for the methods that are used to localize an application.


Sets a supported template engine to use when using jQuery.

import setTemplateEngine from "devextreme/core/set_template_engine"


Instead of a supported template engine, you can use the DevExpress.setTemplateEngine(options) method to define custom functions that compile and render templates.


Sets custom functions that compile and render templates.

import setTemplateEngine from "devextreme/core/set_template_engine"


An object that contains the functions.

Object structure:
Name Type Description


A function that parses the passed HTML markup and returns a template.



A function that inserts data into the template returned from the compile function and returns HTML markup to be rendered.


The manager that performs several specified animations at a time.

import TransitionExecutor from "devextreme/animation/transition_executor"

While there are scenarios when animating certain elements is required, there can be more complex scenarios when you need to perform a transition - several animations of different elements performed simultaneously. For instance, when you navigate from a view to another view in a mobile application, the content of the new view replaces the content of the old view. Moreover, the header can be animated differently from the rest of the content on both views. Thus, four different animations must be performed simultaneously. To simplify the implementation of such scenarios, the TransitionExecutor is implemented.

To register the set of animations to be performed simultaneously, use the enter(elements, animation) and leave(elements, animation) methods of the TransitionExecutor object. Use the enter(elements, animation) method to specify the elements that should appear ("enter") on the page with a specified animation. The leave(elements, animation) method should be called if there are elements that must disappear ("leave") from the page.

The TransitionExecutor object is also useful when a need arises to perform a staggered animation of elements when elements are animated with a slight delay after animation of each successive element starts resulting in a curtain-like effect. In this instance, each element should be registered with by the enter(elements, animation)/leave(elements, animation) method with the animation configuration where the staggerDelay option is specified.

To start a transition, call the start() method of the TransitionExecutor object. To clear the registered set of animations in the TransitionExecutor object, call the reset() method.


An object that serves as a namespace for DevExtreme UI widgets as well as for methods implementing UI logic in DevExtreme sites/applications.


An object that serves as a namespace for utility methods that can be helpful when working with the DevExtreme framework and UI widgets.


An object that serves as a namespace for the methods required to perform validation.

import validationEngine from "devextreme/ui/validation_engine"


An object that serves as a namespace for DevExtreme Data Visualization Widgets.

Errors and Warnings

This section lists core errors and warnings that may occur in DevExtreme applications.