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JavaScript/jQuery PolarChart - commonSeriesSettings

An object defining the configuration options that are common for all series of the PolarChart widget.



Use this object's properties to set options for all chart series at once. These can be options common to all series types and options specific to series types.

If you have several series of one type, you can set options to the values specific to this series type using the corresponding object (area, line or another) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

In case you have to set an option for an individual series, use the corresponding series object within the series array. The values that are set individually override the corresponding common values.


An object that specifies configuration options for all series of the area type in the chart.



Define a common configuration for all area series in the chart using any options of the AreaSeries object.


Specifies the data source field that provides arguments for series points.



Default Value: 'arg'
Cannot be used in themes.

When defining series using the series configuration object, set the argumentField property to the corresponding field from the data source for each series individually. If the field that supplies arguments for data points is called in a similar way for several series, there is no need to set the field name for each series individually. Instead, set the field name for the argumentField property of the commonSeriesSettings configuration object at once.


An object that specifies configuration options for all series of the bar type in the chart.



Define a common configuration for all bar series in the chart using any options of the BarSeries object.


Controls the padding and consequently the angular width of all bars in a series using relative units. Ignored if the barWidth option is set.



Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

This option accepts a value from 0 to 1 that specifies the correlation between the empty space on a bar's sides and the bar's angular width: 0 - the bar occupies the whole allocated sector; 1 - virtually hides the bar leaving the whole sector empty.

See Also


Specifies a fixed angular width for all bars in a series, measured in degrees. Takes precedence over the barPadding option.



Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

A bar's maximum width is limited. In single-series charts, it cannot be greater than the interval between two major ticks. In multi-series charts, it depends on the number of bars in the parent group and this group's actual width. See the Specify the Bar Width article for more information.

See Also


An object defining the series border configuration options.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

Series of some types can be displayed with borders (bars, area, etc.). To set custom border settings for all such series at once, use the border object within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

If you have several series of one type, you can set border options specific to this type using the corresponding object (area, line, or another) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. In addition, any non-specific series type property of the commonSeriesSettings.border object can be added to the series-type-specific border definition within the commonSeriesSettings.area/line/... | border configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

In case you have to set an individual value for a common or series-type-specific border option, use the border object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override corresponding common values.


Specifies whether or not to close the chart by joining the end point with the first point.



Default Value: true
This member is exposed by the following entities:


Specifies a series color.



Default Value: undefined

Color is used to distinguish one chart series from another. However, there can be cases when it is more appropriate to display all chart series in one color. In this case, set the color property of the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. If required, you can override this property's common value in individual series objects.


Specifies the dash style of the series' line.



Default Value: 'solid'
Accepted Values: 'dash' | 'dot' | 'longDash' | 'solid'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

The following dash styles are available:

  • solid
    The border is a solid, continuous line.

  • longDash
    The border is displayed using long dashes.

  • dash
    The border is displayed using dashes.

  • dot
    The border is displayed using dots.

  • Any combination of 'longDash', 'dash' and 'dot'
    The border is displayed by repeating the specified combination. For instance, 'dashdotdash'.

Use the DashStyle enum to specify this option when the widget is used as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control. This enum accepts the following values: Solid, LongDash, Dash, and Dot.


Specifies the series elements to highlight when a series is hovered over.



Accepted Values: 'allArgumentPoints' | 'allSeriesPoints' | 'excludePoints' | 'includePoints' | 'nearestPoint' | 'none' | 'onlyPoint'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

Depending on the series type, this option accepts different values. For information on them, visit the Series Types section, choose the employed series type and refer to its hoverMode option description.


An object defining configuration options for a hovered series.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

To set a custom 'hover' style for all series at once, use the hoverStyle object within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

If you have several series of one type, you can set hover style options to the values specific to this type using the corresponding object (area, line or another) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

In case you have to set a hover style option for an individual series, use the hoverStyle object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override corresponding common values.


Specifies whether the series should ignore null data points.



Default Value: false

Data points that have the null value do not produce actual series points. Because of this, series may be drawn with unnecessary gaps where missing points should have been. To remove these gaps, set the ignoreEmptyPoints option to true.


An object defining the label configuration options.



Each series point can be accompanied by a text label that represents data related to the point. These are called series point labels. Use the label object's properties to set label options for all chart series at once.

Specify the label object's properties within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object to set label options for all chart series at once.

If you have several series of a single type, you can set label options to the values specific to this series type using the corresponding object (area, line, etc.) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

If you need to set a label option for an individual series, use the label object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override the corresponding common values.


An object that specifies configuration options for all series of the line type in the chart.



Define a common configuration for all line series in the chart using any options of the line object.


Specifies how many points are acceptable to be in a series to display all labels for these points. Otherwise, the labels will not be displayed.



Default Value: undefined

When there are several series in a chart and series with a large number of points, the point labels may overlap each other and make a chart difficult to read. In this instance, it is better to display the point labels depending on their quantity. To specify the maximum amount of the labels to be displayed, set the required number to the maxLabelCount field. If the number of the points on a series exceeded the number assigned to the maxLabelCount field, the point labels for this series will not be displayed.


Specifies the minimal length of a displayed bar in pixels.



Default Value: undefined
This member is exposed by the following entities:

When you visualize data with small and large numbers using a bar-like series, the small numbers are represented by very small bars. It makes them difficult to click, select or hover over. In such a case, use the minBarSize option to set the minimal length of a displayed bar.


Specifies opacity for a series.



Default Value: 0.5
This member is exposed by the following entities:


An object defining configuration options for points in line and area series.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

To specify point options for all line and area series at once, use the properties of the point object defined within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

If you have several series of a single type, you can set point options to the values specific to this series type using the corresponding object (area, line etc.) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override their corresponding common values.

If you need to set a point option for an individual series, use the point object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override their corresponding common values.


An object that specifies configuration options for all series of the scatter type in the chart.



Define a common configuration for all scatter series in the chart using any options of the Scatter object.


Specifies the series elements to highlight when the series is selected.



Accepted Values: 'allArgumentPoints' | 'allSeriesPoints' | 'excludePoints' | 'includePoints' | 'none' | 'onlyPoint'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

Depending on the series type, this option accepts different values. For information on them, visit the Series Types section, choose the employed series type and refer to its selectionMode option description.


An object defining configuration options for a selected series.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

The PolarChart widget comes with API members that allow you to select a series in code. To set a custom 'selected' style for all series at once, use the selectionStyle object within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

If you have several series of one type, you can set selection style options to the values specific to this type using the corresponding object (area, line or another) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

In case you have to set a selection style option for an individual series, use the selectionStyle object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override corresponding common values.


Specifies whether or not to show the series in the chart's legend.



Default Value: true


Specifies the name of the stack where the values of the stackedBar series must be located.



Default Value: 'default'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

By default, this property is set to 'default' for all series of the stackedBar types. So values of all series are located in one stack for each argument value. You can set the stack property to another value for one group of the series and leave the 'default' value for the other group of series. In this instance, series will be divided into two stacks for each argument. In this manner, you can divide series between the required number of logical stacks.

You can set this property for a series individually, for all stackedBar series or for all series in the chart. For this purpose choose the appropriate configuration object for this property: series, commonSeriesSettings.stackedBar or commonSeriesSettings.


An object that specifies configuration options for all series of the stackedBar type in the chart.



Define a common configuration for all stackedBar series in the chart using any options of the StackedBar object.


Specifies the name of the data source field that provides data about a point.



Default Value: 'tag'
Cannot be used in themes.

When setting a common data source via the dataSource property, you can pass information about a point. For this purpose, add a separate field to the data source in addition to the argument and value fields. To set the specified data to the point instance, set the series' tagField property to the name of the field with the information. In this instance, when clicking a point in the chart, you can access the data associated with this point using the point's instance.

When defining series using the series configuration object, set the tagField property to the corresponding field from the data source for each series individually. If the field that supplies data about points is called similarly in several series, there is no need to set its name for each series individually. Instead, set it for the tagField property of the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

You can also associate data with a series instance. To learn how to do this, refer to the description of the tag property of the series configuration object.


Sets a series type.



Default Value: 'scatter'
Accepted Values: 'area' | 'bar' | 'line' | 'scatter' | 'stackedbar'

A series type determines a particular visual representation of data. To learn more about series types supplied with the PolarChart widget, refer to the Series help section.

Use the PolarChartSeriesType enum to specify this option when the widget is used as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control. This enum accepts the following values: Line, Area, Bar, Stackedbar, and Scatter.


Configures error bars.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

Error bars are used on charts to indicate an error or an uncertainty in a reported measurement. They give a general idea of how precise a measurement is.

In PolarChart, an error bar is a vertical bar with two marks at its edges. An error bar accompanies a series point. Error bars can be generated either from concrete or calculated values. To generate one error bar, two values, high and low, are needed. If the data source of your chart provides concrete high and low values, assign the required data source fields to the highValueField and lowValueField options.

Alternatively, you can calculate the high and low error bar values automatically. For this purpose, choose one of error bar types and specify the value to be used in calculation.

Error bars are available for axes of a numeric type only.


Specifies the data source field that provides values for series points.



Default Value: 'val'
Cannot be used in themes.

When defining series using the series configuration object, set the valueField property for each series individually to the corresponding field from the data source. In case you use series templates, specify the valueField property of the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.


Specifies the visibility of a series.



Default Value: true

When this option is set to false for a series, the series appears invisible. If you require all the series to appear so, assign the same value to the visible option within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object.

In addition, you can show/hide series at runtime by using the show() or hide() method of a particular series respectively.

When the series is invisible, the marker of its legend item is faded.


Specifies a line width.



Default Value: 2
This member is exposed by the following entities: