JavaScript/jQuery Scheduler - editing
Editing a recurring appointment series has specificities related to when a user edits a recurring appointment instance.
If a user updates the instance, two actions are performed on the data objects:
The series' data object is updated.
The Scheduler updates the field specified by recurrenceExceptionExpr, thus adding the edited instance to exceptions. The onAppointmentUpdating and onAppointmentUpdated event handlers are executed.A new data object is created.
This object contains the edited instance's data. The onAppointmentAdding and onAppointmentAdded event handlers are executed.
If a user deletes the instance, the Scheduler adds it to exceptions by updating the field that recurrenceExceptionExpr specifies. Because this is an update, the onAppointmentUpdating and onAppointmentUpdated event handlers are executed instead of onAppointmentDeleting and onAppointmentDeleted.