jQuery/JS Common - Object Structures - SchedulerAppointment
An object that describes an appointment in the Scheduler UI component.
Specifies the time zone for an appointment's endDate. Accepts values from the IANA time zone database.
Users can view and edit the specified time zone in the appointment details form if you enable the editing.allowTimeZoneEditing property.
See Also
The Object Structures component evaluates the html property's value. This evaluation, however, makes the Object Structures potentially vulnerable to XSS attacks. To guard against these attacks, encode the HTML markup before you assign it to the html property. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Potentially Vulnerable API - html.
You can use the text property as a safe alternative.
Specifies the start date and time of one or more appointments to exclude from a series. This property requires that you also set recurrenceRule.
The recurrenceRule value should contain an RRULE
pattern as per the iCalendar RFC 2445 specification.
If you need to obtain individual dates from an appointment series, use a 3rd-party library. In the following example, the rrule library is used:
- const rule = new rrule.rrulestr(
- "DTSTART:20210805T050000Z\n"
- + "EXDATE:20210825T050000Z,20210819T050000Z"
- );
- const occurences = rule.all();
- occurences.forEach(date => console.log(date));
See Also
Specifies the time zone for an appointment's startDate. Accepts values from the IANA time zone database.
Users can view and edit the specified time zone in the appointment details form if you enable the editing.allowTimeZoneEditing property.
See Also
The following types of the specified value are available.
- Assign a string containing the name of the required template.
- Assign a jQuery object of the template's container.
- Assign a DOM Node of the template's container.
- Assign a function that returns the jQuery object or a DOM Node of the template's container.