DevExtreme jQuery - PivotGridDataSource API
The PivotGridDataSource is an object that provides an API for processing data from an underlying store. This object is used in the PivotGrid UI component.
- $(function() {
- var pivotGridDataSource = new{
- store: {
- // ...
- // Underlying store is configured here
- // ...
- },
- fields: [{
- area: "column",
- dataField: "OrderDate",
- dataType: "date"
- }, {
- area: "row",
- dataField: "ShipCity"
- }, {
- area: "data",
- summaryType: "count"
- }]
- });
- $("#pivotGridContainer").dxPivotGrid({
- dataSource: pivotGridDataSource
- });
- });
Name | Description |
fields |
Configures pivot grid fields. |
filter |
Specifies data filtering conditions. Cannot be used with an XmlaStore. |
onChanged |
A function that is executed after data is successfully loaded. |
onFieldsPrepared |
A function that is executed when all fields are loaded from the store and they are ready to be displayed in the PivotGrid. |
onLoadError |
A function that is executed when data loading fails. |
onLoadingChanged |
A function that is executed when the data loading status changes. |
paginate |
Specifies whether the PivotGridDataSource should load data in portions. Can be used only with an XmlaStore. |
remoteOperations |
Specifies whether the data processing operations (filtering, grouping, summary calculation) should be performed on the server. |
retrieveFields |
Specifies whether to auto-generate pivot grid fields from the store's data. |
store |
Configures the DataSource's underlying store. |
The PivotGridDataSource allows specifying CustomStore properties in its configuration object, as shown in the following code:
- var pivotGridDataSource = new{
- load: function (loadOptions) {
- // Loading data objects
- },
- byKey: function (key) {
- // Retrieving a data object by key
- }
- });
Name | Description |
collapseAll(id) |
Collapses all header items of a field with the specified identifier. |
collapseHeaderItem(area, path) |
Collapses a specific header item. |
createDrillDownDataSource(options) |
Provides access to the facts that were used to calculate a specific summary value. |
dispose() |
Disposes of all the resources allocated to the PivotGridDataSource instance. |
expandAll(id) |
Expands all the header items of a field with the specified identifier. |
expandHeaderItem(area, path) |
Expands a specific header item. |
field(id) |
Gets all the properties of a field with the specified identifier. |
field(id, options) |
Updates field options' values. |
fields() |
Gets all the fields including those generated automatically. |
fields(fields) |
Specifies a new fields collection. |
filter() |
Gets the filter property's value. Does not affect an XmlaStore. |
filter(filterExpr) |
Sets the filter property's value. Does not affect an XmlaStore. |
getAreaFields(area, collectGroups) |
Gets all the fields within an area. |
getData() |
Gets the loaded data. Another data portion is loaded every time a header item is expanded. |
isLoading() |
Checks whether the PivotGridDataSource is loading data. |
load() |
Starts loading data. |
off(eventName) |
Detaches all event handlers from a single event. |
off(eventName, eventHandler) |
Detaches a particular event handler from a single event. |
on(eventName, eventHandler) |
Subscribes to an event. |
on(events) |
Subscribes to events. |
reload() |
Clears the loaded PivotGridDataSource data and calls the load() method. |
state() |
Gets the current PivotGridDataSource state. Part of the PivotGrid UI component's state storing feature. |
state(state) |
Sets the PivotGridDataSource state. Part of the PivotGrid UI component's state storing feature. |
Name | Description |
changed |
Raised after data is successfully loaded. |
fieldsPrepared |
Raised when all fields are loaded from the store and they are ready to be displayed in the PivotGrid. |
loadError |
Raised when data loading fails. |
loadingChanged |
Raised when the data loading status changes. |