This section describes events fired by this UI component.
Raised when the UI component's content is ready.
Main article: onContentReady.
Raised before the UI component is disposed of.
Main article: onDisposing
Raised when a group element is rendered.
Main article: onGroupRendered
Raised only once, after the UI component is initialized.
Main article: onInitialized
Raised when a collection item is clicked or tapped.
Main article: onItemClick.
Raised when a collection item is right-clicked or pressed.
Main article: onItemContextMenu
Raised after a list item is deleted from the data source.
Main article: onItemDeleted
Raised before a collection item is deleted from the data source.
Main article: onItemDeleting
Raised when a collection item has been held for a specified period.
Main article: onItemHold
Raised after a collection item is rendered.
Main article: onItemRendered
Raised after a list item is moved to another position.
Main article: onItemReordered
Raised when a list item is swiped.
Main article: onItemSwipe
Raised after a UI component property is changed.
Main article: onOptionChanged
Raised before the next page is loaded.
Main article: onPageLoading
Raised when the "pull to refresh" gesture is performed.
Main article: onPullRefresh
Raised on each scroll gesture.
Main article: onScroll
Raised when the "Select All" check box value is changed.
Main article: onSelectAllValueChanged
Raised when a collection item is selected or selection is canceled.
Main article: onSelectionChanged