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JavaScript/jQuery Chart - commonSeriesSettings.border

Configures the series border (in area-like series) or the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).

Declared in commonSeriesSettings, the border settings apply to all series in the chart. Declared in a series configuration object, the border settings apply to this particular series only. The series-specific border settings override the common ones.


Colors the series border (in area-like series) or the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).

This property supports the following colors:


Sets a dash style for the series border (in area-like series) or for the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).



Default Value: undefined
Accepted Values: 'dash' | 'dot' | 'longDash' | 'solid'

The following dash styles are available:

  • solid
    The border is a solid, continuous line.

  • longDash
    The border is displayed using long dashes.

  • dash
    The border is displayed using dashes.

  • dot
    The border is displayed using dots.

  • Any combination of 'longDash', 'dash' and 'dot'
    The border is displayed by repeating the specified combination. For instance, 'dashdotdash'.


Shows the series border (in area-like series) or the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).

Setting this property to true takes effect only if you have also set the border.color property.


Sets a pixel-measured width for the series border (in area-like series) or for the series point border (in bar-like and bubble series).