
JavaScript/jQuery Chart - commonSeriesSettings.point.image

Substitutes the standard point symbols with an image.

To display an image instead of series points, assign its URL to the url property. If needed, resize the image using the height and width properties. Otherwise, you can assign the URL directly to the image property.

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Specifies the height of the image used instead of a point marker.

Normally, this property accepts a numeric value, but if you have a range area series, you may want to specify different heights for the minimum and maximum points. In that instance, set the height property to an object with the rangeMinPoint and rangeMaxPoint fields.


Specifies the URL of the image to be used as a point marker.

Normally, this property accepts one URL as a string value, but if you have a range area series, you may want to specify different images for the minimum and maximum points. In that instance, set the url property to an object with the rangeMinPoint and rangeMaxPoint fields.


Specifies the width of an image that is used as a point marker.

Normally, this property accepts a numeric value, but if you have a range area series, you may want to specify different widths for the minimum and maximum points. In that instance, set the width property to an object with the rangeMinPoint and rangeMaxPoint fields.