jQuery/JS Common - Utils - ui

An object that serves as a namespace for DevExtreme UI components as well as for methods implementing UI logic in DevExtreme sites/applications.


Name Description

Hides all the Toast components in the application.


An object that serves as a namespace for methods displaying a message in an application/site.


An object that serves as a namespace for static methods that affect overlay UI components.

notify(message, stack)

Creates a stackable toast message.

import notify from "devextreme/ui/notify"


The message content.



An object with the following structure: {position, direction}.

Object structure:
Name Type Description


The toast stacking direction.



The initial toast position.

View Demo

To stack toast messages, specify the position field in the stack object. You can set the position field to a predefined string or object with coordinates. Note that if you use coordinates for the position field, you need to specify one horizontal and one vertical coordinate only.

The following table lists all predefined strings and their values:

String Coordinate Representation
'top left' {left, top}
'top center' Use window's and toast's width to calculate the center of the window, then use the 'top' field.
'top right' {right, top}
'left center' Use the 'left' field, then use window's and toast's height to calculate the center of the window.
'center' Use window's and toast's height and width to calculate the center of the window.
'right center' Use the 'right' field, then use window's and toast's height to calculate the center of the window.
'bottom left' {left, bottom}
'bottom center' Use window's and toast's width to calculate the center of the window, then use the 'bottom' field.
'bottom right' {right, bottom}
A custom value Use {x, y} coordinate object, e.g. {100, 50}. The start of coordinates is the left bottom corner of the window.
You can specify the starting position for a non-stackable notify message in the options configuration object.

You can also specify the direction field in the stack object. It is a string that can be one of the following:

  • 'up-push'

  • 'down-push'

  • 'left-push'

  • 'right-push'

  • 'up-stack'

  • 'down-stack'

  • 'left-stack'

  • 'right-stack'

The image below shows the difference between directions with 'push' and 'stack' postfixes:

Toast Messages When Direction Is 'up-push' Toast Messages When Direction Is 'up-stack'

When you set the direction to 'up-push', the second and subsequent toasts push the first toast upwards. When you set the direction to 'up-stack', toasts stack on top of each other.

If you do not specify the direction field, its default value is 'down-push' for position: 'top left | top center | top right', and 'up-push' for other position options.

Note that toast messages disappear with an animated effect after their display time ends. The default hide animation duration for toast messages is 400 milliseconds. If multiple messages can stack in your application and block important visual elements, you may want to disable the animation or reduce its duration.

  • $(function() {
  • DevExpress.ui.notify("Warning message", { position: "center", direction: "up-push" });
  • })

notify(message, type, displayTime)

Creates a toast message.

import notify from "devextreme/ui/notify"


The message's text.



| undefined

The message's type: "info", "warning", "error" or "success".



| undefined

The time interval in milliseconds for which the message is displayed.

  • $(function() {
  • DevExpress.ui.notify("Warning message", "warning", 500);
  • })

View Demo

notify(options, stack)

Creates a stackable toast message.

import notify from "devextreme/ui/notify"


The Toast configuration.



An object with the following structure: {position, direction}.

Object structure:
Name Type Description


The toast stacking direction.



The initial toast position.

View Demo

To stack toast messages, specify the position field in the stack object. You can set the position field to a predefined string or object with coordinates. Note that if you use coordinates for the position field, you need to specify one horizontal and one vertical coordinate only.

The following table lists all predefined strings and their values:

String Coordinate Representation
'top left' {left, top}
'top center' Use window's and toast's width to calculate the center of the window, then use the 'top' field.
'top right' {right, top}
'left center' Use the 'left' field, then use window's and toast's height to calculate the center of the window.
'center' Use window's and toast's height and width to calculate the center of the window.
'right center' Use the 'right' field, then use window's and toast's height to calculate the center of the window.
'bottom left' {left, bottom}
'bottom center' Use window's and toast's width to calculate the center of the window, then use the 'bottom' field.
'bottom right' {right, bottom}
A custom value Use {x, y} coordinate object, e.g. {100, 50}. The start of coordinates is the left bottom corner of the window.
You can specify the starting position for a non-stackable notify message in the options configuration object.

You can also specify the direction field in the stack object. It is a string that can be one of the following:

  • 'up-push'

  • 'down-push'

  • 'left-push'

  • 'right-push'

  • 'up-stack'

  • 'down-stack'

  • 'left-stack'

  • 'right-stack'

The image below shows the difference between directions with 'push' and 'stack' postfixes:

Toast Messages When Direction Is 'up-push' Toast Messages When Direction Is 'up-stack'

When you set the direction to 'up-push', the second and subsequent toasts push the first toast upwards. When you set the direction to 'up-stack', toasts stack on top of each other.

If you do not specify the direction field, its default value is 'down-push' for position: 'top left | top center | top right', and 'up-push' for other position options.

Note that toast messages disappear with an animated effect after their display time ends. The default hide animation duration for toast messages is 400 milliseconds. If multiple messages can stack in your application and block important visual elements, you may want to disable the animation or reduce its duration.

  • $(function() {
  • DevExpress.ui.notify({ message: "Error message", width: 300, shading: true }, { position: "center", direction: "up-push" });
  • })

notify(options, type, displayTime)

Creates a toast message.

import notify from "devextreme/ui/notify"


The Toast configuration.



| undefined

The message's type: "info", "warning", "error" or "success".



| undefined

The time interval in milliseconds for which the message is displayed.

  • $(function() {
  • DevExpress.ui.notify({ message: "Error message", width: 300, shading: true }, "error", 500);
  • })
See Also


Repaints the Floating Action Button.

import speedDialAction from "devextreme/ui/speed_dial_action/repaint_floating_action_button"

Call this method to repaint the Floating Action Button after you change the GlobalConfig.floatingActionButtonConfig at runtime:

  • $(function() {
  • // ...
  • DevExpress.config({
  • floatingActionButtonConfig: {
  • // ...
  • }
  • });
  • DevExpress.ui.repaintFloatingActionButton();
  • })
See Also


An object that serves as a namespace for the methods that work with DevExtreme CSS Themes.

import ui.themes from "devextreme/ui/themes"