Angular Common - Object Structures - positionConfig - collision

Specifies how to move the widget if it overflows the screen.





Accepted Values: 'fit' | 'fit flip' | 'fit flipfit' | 'fit none' | 'flip' | 'flip fit' | 'flip none' | 'flipfit' | 'flipfit fit' | 'flipfit none' | 'none' | 'none fit' | 'none flip' | 'none flipfit'

A string passed to this option should contain a collision handler name, or a pair of names separated by space. If the string consists of a single collision handler name, it is applied to both horizontal and vertical axes. If you pass a pair of names separated by space, the first collision handler will be applied to the horizontal axis, the second to the vertical axis.

  • // a string containing horizontal and vertical
  • // collision handlers separated by space
  • collision: "flip fit";

You can also specify different collision handlers for horizontal and vertical axes in one of the following ways.

  • // an object containing 'x' and 'y' fields
  • collision: {
  • x: "flip", // horizontal collision handler
  • y: "none" // vertical collision handler
  • }

The available collision handler names are:

  • none
    Collisions do not affect widget position.
  • flip
    Moves the widget to the opposite side of the target element if it allows more of the widget to be visible.
  • fit
    Shifts the widget from outside of the screen to fully display the widget.
  • flipfit
    Applies the fit collision handler after flip.

When using a widget as an ASP.NET MVC Control, specify this option using the PositionResolveCollision enum in the following manner. This enum accepts the following values: Fit, Flip, FlipFit and None.

Razor C#
Razor VB
  • @(Html.DevExtreme().WidgetName()
  • .Position(p => p
  • .Collision(PositionResolveCollision.Fit, PositionResolveCollision.Flip)
  • )
  • )
  • @(Html.DevExtreme().WidgetName() _
  • .Position(Sub(p)
  • p.Collision(PositionResolveCollision.Fit, PositionResolveCollision.Flip)
  • End Sub)
  • )


Specifies the horizontal collision handler.



Default Value: 'none'
Accepted Values: 'fit' | 'flip' | 'flipfit' | 'none'


Specifies the vertical collision handler.



Default Value: 'none'
Accepted Values: 'fit' | 'flip' | 'flipfit' | 'none'