Angular Common - Utils - ui - Overlay

An object that serves as a namespace for static methods that affect overlay widgets.


Specifies the base z-index for all overlay widgets.

import { DxOverlayTypes } from "devextreme-angular/ui/overlay"


The z-index value.

The z-index of all overlay widgets located on a page is calculated based on the value passed to this method. Since an overlay widget is added, its z-index is increased by one relative to a previously added overlay widget.

The following example demonstrates how to call the method.

  • DevExpress.ui.dxOverlay.baseZIndex(2000);
  • // ===== or when using modules =====
  • import * as overlay from 'devextreme/ui/overlay';
  • overlay.baseZIndex(2000);

By default, the base z-index for all overlay widgets except Toast is 1500.

The base z-index for Toast widgets is greater than the value specified by this method by 8000. For example, if you pass 2000 to the baseZIndex method, the Toast base z-index is 10000.

The method affects the following widgets.