Angular Chart - Client-Side Exporting and Printing
Although DevExtreme data visualization UI components can be displayed on any device, a user may need a UI component printed or in the form of a document. For these cases, the UI components provide client-side exporting and printing. This guide shows how to configure these features for the user, and how to export and print a UI component using the API.
User Interaction
To export or print a UI component, a user clicks the "Exporting/Printing" button and selects a command from the drop-down menu. The Print command opens the browser's Print window that lets the user select preferred printing settings and send the print job to the printer. The other commands save a file of the selected format in the user's local storage.
You can enable both exporting and printing by setting the export.enabled property to true. If you need only exporting to be available to the user, disable printing by assigning false to the export.printingEnabled property.
- <template>
- <DxChart ... >
- <DxExport
- :enabled="true"
- :printing-enabled="false"
- />
- </DxChart>
- </template>
- <script>
- import DxChart, {
- DxExport
- } from 'devextreme-vue/chart';
- export default {
- components: {
- DxChart,
- DxExport
- }
- }
- </script>
If you want to restrict the set of formats available for exporting, change the export.formats array. You can also specify the default name for the exported file using the fileName property.
- <template>
- <DxChart ... >
- <DxExport
- :enabled="true"
- :formats="['PNG', 'JPEG']"
- file-name="exported_chart"
- />
- </DxChart>
- </template>
- <script>
- import DxChart, {
- DxExport
- } from 'devextreme-vue/chart';
- export default {
- components: {
- DxChart,
- DxExport
- }
- }
- </script>
To export a UI component using the API, call the exportTo(fileName, format) method passing the needed file name and format ("PNG", "PDF", "JPEG", "SVG" or "GIF") as the arguments. To print a UI component, call the print() method. This command opens the browser's Print window.
- <template>
- <DxChart
- ref="chart"
- ... >
- <DxExport :enabled="true"/>
- </DxChart>
- </template>
- <script>
- import DxChart, { DxExport } from 'devextreme-vue/chart';
- export default {
- components: {
- DxChart,
- DxExport
- },
- methods: {
- exportChart() {
- this.$refs.chart.instance.exportTo('Exported Chart', 'PDF');
- },
- printChart() {
- this.$refs.chart.instance.print();
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
You can also export several UI components at once using their SVG markup. Gather the markup from all required UI components by calling the DevExpress.viz.getMarkup(widgetInstances) method, and then pass the markup to the DevExpress.viz.exportFromMarkup(markup, options) method.
DevExtreme data visualization UI components raise the following exporting-related events.
Allows you to request exporting details or prevent exporting.exported
Allows you to notify an end user when exporting is completed.fileSaving
Allows you to access exported data in the BLOB format and/or prevent it from being saved in a file on the user's local storage.
You can handle these events with functions. If the handling functions are not going to be changed at runtime, assign them to the onExporting, onExported and onFileSaving properties when you configure the UI component.
- <template>
- <DxChart
- @exporting="onExporting"
- @exported="onExported"
- @file-saving="onFileSaving"
- >
- <DxExport :enabled="true"/>
- </DxChart>
- </template>
- <script>
- import DxChart, {
- DxExport
- } from 'devextreme-vue/chart';
- export default {
- components: {
- DxChart,
- DxExport
- },
- methods: {
- onExporting(e) {},
- onExported(e) {},
- onFileSaving(e) {}
- }
- }
- </script>
Otherwise, or if you need several handlers for a single event, subscribe to the exporting-related events using the on(eventName, eventHandler) method. This approach is more typical of jQuery.
- var exportedHandler1 = function (e) {
- // First handler of the "exported" event
- };
- var exportedHandler2 = function (e) {
- // Second handler of the "exported" event
- };
- $("#chartContainer").dxChart("instance")
- .on("exported", exportedHandler1)
- .on("exported", exportedHandler2);
See Also
- Handle Events: Angular | Vue | React | jQuery | AngularJS | Knockout | ASP.NET MVC 5 | ASP.NET Core
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.