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jQuery Common - utils - viz

An object that serves as a namespace for DevExtreme Data Visualization Widgets.


This section describes the methods exposed by the DevExpress.viz namespace.

Name Description

Changes the current palette for all data visualization widgets on the page.


Gets the current theme's name.

currentTheme(platform, colorScheme)

Changes the current theme for all data visualization widgets on the page. The color scheme is defined separately.


Changes the current theme for all data visualization widgets on the page.

exportFromMarkup(markup, options)

Allows you to export widgets using their SVG markup.


Gets the SVG markup of specific widgets for their subsequent export.


Gets the color sets of a predefined or registered palette.


Gets a predefined or registered theme's settings.


The method to be called every time the active entry in the browser history is modified without reloading the current page.


Refreshes the current theme and palette in all data visualization widgets on the page.

registerPalette(paletteName, palette)

Registers a new palette.

registerTheme(customTheme, baseTheme)

Registers a new theme based on the existing one.

core Deprecated

Use the viz instead.

An obsolete namespace for DevExtreme Data Visualization Widgets.


An object that serves as a namespace for the VectorMap widget.