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jQuery/JS Common - Object Structures - format

Formats values.







Function parameters:




The value to be formatted.

Return Value:


The value after formatting.

Default Value: undefined
Accepted Values: 'billions' | 'currency' | 'day' | 'decimal' | 'exponential' | 'fixedPoint' | 'largeNumber' | 'longDate' | 'longTime' | 'millions' | 'millisecond' | 'month' | 'monthAndDay' | 'monthAndYear' | 'percent' | 'quarter' | 'quarterAndYear' | 'shortDate' | 'shortTime' | 'thousands' | 'trillions' | 'year' | 'dayOfWeek' | 'hour' | 'longDateLongTime' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'shortDateShortTime'

This option accepts three types of values:

  • String
    A predefined format or custom format string.

  • Function
    Applies a custom format to a value and returns this value as a string. A shortcut for the formatter option.

  • Object
    Allows you to configure the format. Can have one of the following structures:

    // Uses a predefined format
    format: {
        type: String, // one of the predefined formats
        precision: Number, // the precision of values
        currency: String // a specific 3-letter code for the "currency" format


    // Specifies a custom format
    format: {
        formatter: Function, // a custom formatting function
        parser: Function // a parsing function for string values

    You can specify the Intl NumberFormat's and DateTimeFormat's options parameter fields if you use Devextreme-Intl:

    format: { year: "2-digit", month: "narrow", day: "2-digit" }
    === or ===
    format: { style: "currency", currency: "EUR", useGrouping: true }

    If you use Globalize, you can use the fields the numberFormatter, currencyFormatter, and dateFormatter accept instead of the fields described in this section. For example, you can use skeletons to format dates. Note that this approach can require additional CLDR modules not shipped with the DevExtreme package.

    format: { skeleton: 'GyMMMd' }

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Specifies the currency code. Applies only if the type is "currency".



Reference Globalize or Intl if you specify a currency code other than "USD".

This option accepts a 3-letter ISO 4217 code for each currency. Assign the code to this option if you use Intl, or do the following if you use Globalize:

  1. Get the currencies.json file that corresponds to your culture from a folder here.
  2. Load this file's contents in your app using a method described here.
  3. Assign the currency's 3-letter code to this option.

Alternatively, you can assign "default" to this option to apply the global default currency.

See Also


A function that converts numeric or date-time values to a string.



Function parameters:




The value to be formatted.

Return Value:


The value after formatting.

If none of the predefined formats meet your requirements, use this function to specify a custom format. If formatter is the only field that you need to specify in the format object, assign the function straight to the format option as shown below.

format: function (value) {
    // ...
    return formattedValue;
See Also


Parses string values into numeric or date-time values. Can be used with formatter or one of the predefined formats.



Function parameters:


The string value to be parsed.

Return Value:




The value after parsing.

A widget calls this function internally, for example, when a user enters a value. The following code gives an example of the formatter and parser functions which turns dates into strings, and parses strings back into dates, respectively.

formatter: function (date) {
    var month = date.getMonth() + 1,
        day = date.getDate(),
        year = date.getFullYear();

    return year + "." + month + "." + day;
parser: function (e) {
    var parts = e.split("."),
        day = Number(parts[2]),
        month = Number(parts[1] - 1),
        year = Number(parts[0]);

    return new Date(year, month, day);


Specifies a precision for values of a numeric format.



This option applies when the type option has one of the following values.

  • 'currency'
  • 'fixedPoint'
  • 'percent'
  • 'decimal'
  • 'exponential'
  • 'largeNumber'
  • 'thousands'
  • 'millions'
  • 'billions'
  • 'trillions'

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Specifies a predefined format. Does not apply if you have specified the formatter function.



Accepted Values: 'billions' | 'currency' | 'day' | 'decimal' | 'exponential' | 'fixedPoint' | 'largeNumber' | 'longDate' | 'longTime' | 'millions' | 'millisecond' | 'month' | 'monthAndDay' | 'monthAndYear' | 'percent' | 'quarter' | 'quarterAndYear' | 'shortDate' | 'shortTime' | 'thousands' | 'trillions' | 'year' | 'dayOfWeek' | 'hour' | 'longDateLongTime' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'shortDateShortTime'

You can choose one of the predefined formats, depending on the values you need to format, from the following groups:

Numeric Formats

  • "fixedPoint" - 100.11 → 100
  • "percent" - 0.1 → 10%
  • "decimal" - 100.11 → 100
  • "exponential" - 1 000 → 1E+3
  • "thousands" - 1 000.11 → 1K
  • "millions" - 1 000 000.11 → 1M
  • "billions" - 1 000 000 000.11 → 1B
  • "trillions" - 1 000 000 000 000 → 1T
  • "largeNumber"*
* - uses "thousands", "millions", "billions", "trillions"* format depending on the actual value

Currency Formats

  • "currency" - "$3.95"*
* - to define any other currency, use currency
Specify the precision to show fractional numbers.

Date-Time Formats

  • "longDate" - "Thursday, January 01, 1970"
  • "longTime" - "12:00:00 AM"
  • "longDateLongTime" - "Thursday, January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 AM"
  • "monthAndDay" - "January 01"
  • "monthAndYear" - "1970 January"
  • "quarterAndYear" - "QI 1970"
  • "shortDate" - "1/25/1970"
  • "shortTime" - "12:00 AM"
  • "shortDateShortTime" - "1/25/1970, 12:00 AM"
  • "millisecond" - "010"
  • "second" - "00"
  • "minute" - "00"
  • "hour" - "12"
  • "day" - "01"
  • "dayOfWeek" - "Thursday"
  • "month" - "January"
  • "quarter" - "QI"
  • "year" - "1970"

The "fixedPoint", "decimal" or "currency" format can be paired with the "largeNumber", "thousands", "millions", "billions" or "trillions" format using a space separator, e.g., "fixedPoint thousands".

If the type is the only field you need to specify in the format object, assign the value of this field straight to the format option as shown below.

format: "shortDate"

When using a widget as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control, you can specify this option using the Format enum. This enum accepts the same values, but they start with an upper-case letter, for example, "fixedPoint" becomes FixedPoint.

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See Also