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DevExtreme jQuery - Errors and Warnings API

This section lists errors and warnings that may occur when using the DevExtreme Data Library.


Signals that a data-related error occurred in external code with which the DevExtreme data works.


Occurs when the an unknown aggregating function is specified.

This error may occur in widgets that include the "summary" feature. For example, if you specify a not-valid summaryType for the DataGrid widget, this error will occur.


Occurs when the unsupported OData version in specified for the ODataStore or ODataContext object.

Acceptable OData versions are the following: 2, 3, 4.


Occurs when an unknown filter operation is used.

The available operators are: "!", "=", "<>", ">", ">=", "<", "<=", "startswith", "endswith", "contains", "notcontains".

For more information on filtering syntax, see the Filtering topic.


Occurs when the thenby() method is called before the sortby() method.

The thenby() method can only follow the sortBy(getter), sortBy(getter, desc), thenBy(getter, desc), or another thenBy(getter) method.


Occurs when calling a key-dependent method of a store with an unspecified key property.

Specify the store's key option. For the ODataStore, specify the keyType option as well.


Occurs when the value that is set to the data configuration option of the ArrayStore object is not an array.

This option takes on an array only.


Occurs when an auto-generated key is required for a Data Store with a compound key expression.

This error is specific for the LocalStore and ArrayStore Data Stores. You can specify a compound key expression for these Data Stores by assigning an array to the key configuration option. If a key is undefined, it will be generated automatically based on the specified key expression. However, a key cannot be generated for a compound key expression. So, make sure keys are specified for data with compound key expressions.


Occurs when items with duplicated keys are inserted.


Occurs when calling the update(key,values) method and specifying the key(s) that cannot be found.

This error is specific to LocalStore and ArrayStore Data Stores.


Occurs when creating the Query object by using the createQuery method of a CustomStore.

This error is specific to the CustomStore Data Store, because this type of a DevExtreme Store does not support the creation of queries.


Occurs when calling a Custom Store method that is not implemented.

This error is specific for the CustomStore Data Store.


Occurs when a method implemented for a Custom Store returns an unexpected result.

This error is specific to the CustomStore Data Store.


Occurs when the name option is not specified for a LocalStore instance.

When creating a LocalStore instance, specify the name configuration option, which is required for identifying the data within the storage.


Occurs when an unknown key type is detected.

This error is specific for the ODataStore and ODataContext objects. The keyType property accepts the following values: String, Int32, Int64, and Guid.


Occurs when calling the objectLink(entityAlias, key) method and passing an entity alias that is not registered for the given ODataCOntext object.


Occurs when the compileSetter(expr) method is called with this passed as a parameter.


Occurs when calling the update(key,values) method to modify a key(s).

This error is specific to ArrayStore Data Stores.


Occurs when the server returns a non-numeric value after the totalCount method of an ODataStore instance is called.

This error is specific to ODataStore data stores.


Occurs if a filter expression contains different group operators within a single group.

Specify a filter expression that does not contain different group operators in a single group.

The following example illustrates invalid and valid filter expressions.

//Invalid filter expression
var filterExpression = [
    [ "name", "contains", "A"],
    ["team", "=", "Accounting"],
    ["team", "=", "Management"]

//Valid filter expression
var filterExpression = [
    [ "name", "contains", "A"],
        ["team", "=", "Accounting"],
        ["team", "=", "Management"]


Occurs if the store.type option of a DataSource instance holds an unknown store type.


Occurs if the total count of data records (totalCount) was not obtained when loading data.

This error is specific to the CustomStore Data Store.

This error occurs if the load method has resolved the Promise with an unspecified or empty totalCount, or if the totalCount method was not defined.

You can solve the problem by implementing the load method in the following manner.

var store = new DevExpress.data.CustomStore({
    // . . .
    load: function (loadOptions) {
        var deferred = $.Deferred();
        $.get('url/to/the/resource', loadOptions).done(function (response) {
                deferred.resolve({ data: response.data, totalCount: response.totalCount });
        return deferred.promise();
See Also


Occurs if the count of first-level groups (groupCount) was not obtained when loading data.

This error is specific to the CustomStore Data Store.

This error occurs if the load method has resolved the Promise with an unspecified or empty groupCount.

You can solve the problem by implementing the load method in the following manner.

var store = new DevExpress.data.CustomStore({
    // . . .
    load: function (loadOptions) {
        var deferred = $.Deferred();
        $.get('url/to/the/resource', loadOptions)
            .done(function (response) {
                deferred.resolve({ data: response.data, groupCount: response.groupCount });
        return deferred.promise();
See Also

Custom Sources - Load Data


Occurs in the XmlaStore if the received data cannot be parsed into XML.


Occurs when data returned from a server has an incorrect structure.

The server should return an array or an object with the data field holding an array.


Occurs in the ODataStore when a single field is assigned both to the keyType and fieldTypes options. Remove the field's name from one of the options.


Produced by the XmlaStore when an error occurs on loading data for certain cells. For details on the error, refer to the XMLA specification.