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JavaScript/jQuery PivotGrid - export

Configures client-side exporting.



A user can click the Export button to save an Excel file with the exported data. Data types, sort, filter, and group settings are maintained.

View Demo

The following instructions show how to enable and configure client-side export:

  1. Install or reference the required libraries
    This feature requires ExcelJS v4+ and FileSaver v2.0.2+.

    • <head>
    • <!-- ... -->
    • <script src=""></script>
    • <script src=""></script>
    • <script src=""></script>
    • <!-- reference the DevExtreme sources here -->
    • </head>
  2. Enable the export UI
    Set the export.enabled property to true:

    • $(function () {
    • $("#pivotGridContainer").dxPivotGrid({
    • export: {
    • enabled: true
    • }
    • });
    • });
  3. Export the PivotGrid
    Implement the onExporting handler and call the exportPivotGrid(options) method in it. In the code below, this method exports the PivotGrid as is, but you can use ExcelExportPivotGridProps to configure export settings, including cell customization. The PivotGrid is exported to an Excel worksheet that is created using the ExcelJS API. To save the Excel document, call the FileSaver's saveAs method. The e.cancel parameter disables the deprecated built-in export implementation with fewer capabilities.

    • $('#gridContainer').dxPivotGrid({
    • export: {
    • enabled: true
    • },
    • onExporting: function(e) {
    • var workbook = new ExcelJS.Workbook();
    • var worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet('Main sheet');
    • DevExpress.excelExporter.exportPivotGrid({
    • worksheet: worksheet,
    • component: e.component,
    • customizeCell: function(options) {
    • var excelCell = options;
    • excelCell.font = { name: 'Arial', size: 12 };
    • excelCell.alignment = { horizontal: 'left' };
    • }
    • }).then(function() {
    • workbook.xlsx.writeBuffer().then(function(buffer) {
    • saveAs(new Blob([buffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), 'PivotGrid.xlsx');
    • });
    • });
    • e.cancel = true;
    • }
    • });

The following restrictions apply when users export PivotGrid:

  • Only XLSX files are supported out of the box. To export PivotGrid to CSV, implement the exportPivotGrid(options) method as shown in the following ticket: Export PivotGrid into CSV file.
  • Only visible rows and columns are exported.


Enables client-side exporting.



Default Value: false

fileName Deprecated

Since v20.2, we recommend ExcelJS-based export which does not use this property.

Specifies a default name for the file to which grid data is exported.



Default Value: 'PivotGrid'

ignoreExcelErrors Deprecated

Since v20.2, we recommend ExcelJS-based export which does not use this property.

Specifies whether Excel should hide warnings if there are errors in the exported document.



Default Value: true

proxyUrl Deprecated

Since v10, Safari browser supports API for saving files, and this property is no longer required.

Specifies the URL of the server-side proxy that streams the resulting file to the end user to enable exporting in the Safari browser.



Default Value: undefined

Generally, exporting is performed using client-side API in browsers. However, the Safari (integrated in Mac OS) browser does not implement an API for saving files. In this instance, the PivotGrid UI component can POST the content to a server-side proxy, which will stream the file back to the end user. To enable this functionality, set the export.proxyUrl property to the proxy, which will stream the file to the end user. When implementing the proxy, take the following information into account.

  • Your proxy will receive a POST request with the following parameters in the request body: fileName, contentType (the MIME type of the file) and base64 (the base-64 encoded file content).
  • The proxy should return the decoded file with the "Content-Disposition" header set to attachment; filename="".