ASP.NET Core CRUD Backend Built for DevExtreme-based Frontends

Easily manage data access/CRUD operations with our straightforward and ready-to-use .NET backend solutions.

ASP.NET Core Helpers for CRUD Operations

DevExtreme Subscription

DevExtreme ASP.NET Data library allows DevExtreme UI Components to execute CRUD operations using ASP.NET Core controllers/handlers and delegate all data-intensive operations to your web/DB server.

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ASP.NET Core Helpers for CRUD Operations

A One-Stop Solution for CRUD Web API Services with Role-based Access Control via EF Core

Universal Subscription

Our Solution Wizard for Visual Studio 2022+ scaffolds an OData v4 Web API Service (.NET 6+) with integrated authorization & CRUD operations - powered by Microsoft Entity Framework ORM - for your next great DevExtreme-based web app (React, Angular, Vue, jQuery).

You can use OAuth2, JWT or custom authentication strategies alongside tools like Postman or Swagger (OpenAPI) for API testing. Advanced/enterprise functions include audit trail, endpoints to download reports, file attachments, check validation, localized captions, etc.

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A One-Stop Solution for CRUD Web API Services with Role-based Access Control via EF Core

ASP.NET Core Backend API
for File Management/Processing

Programmatically create, edit and convert Microsoft Office® documents/PDF Files and manage your business documents with our backend .NET libraries.

ASP.NET Core Helpers for File Management

ASP.NET Core Helpers for File Management

DevExtreme Subscription

Pre-built solutions for file upload/download operations, with server-side data validation and pre-processing. Utilize the power of chunked file upload and progress indication without reinventing the wheel.

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.NET Library for Office File Processing

.NET Library for Office File Processing

Universal Subscription

A comprehensive .NET library for document-focused web applications. Use the DevExpress Office File API to create, edit, sign, and merge Excel, Word, or PDF files with your ASP.NET Core-powered backend.

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Embedded Analytics for Your
Angular/React/JavaScript Apps

Enterprise-ready Reporting and BI Dashboard solutions that address a broad range of business requirements - built specifically for those using an ASP.NET Core backend alongside a JavaScript frontend.

Cross-platform Reporting

Cross-platform Reporting

Our feature-complete JavaScript-based Reporting platform for Angular, React, and Vue works seamlessly with ASP.NET Core backend APIs. Empower end-users with self-service reporting options or create stunning reports with our integrated Report Designer and embed Report Viewers to extend your web app's reporting capabilities.

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Embedded JavaScript BI Dashboards

Embedded JavaScript BI Dashboards

Universal Subscription

Deliver flexible and intuitive decision support systems with our royalty-free BI Dashboard platform. DevExpress Dashboard can consume data from a variety of data sources and our intuitive web Dashboard Designer allows you (or your end-users) to create informative dashboards in the blink of an eye (and yes, DevExpress Dashboard includes built-in Angular, React, Vue and pure JavaScript Dashboard Viewers).

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.NET MAUI Mobile Development

The DevExpress .NET Multi-platform App UI Component Library ships with high-performance UI components for both Android and iOS.

Deliver High-impact and Intuitive Mobile Apps with our .NET MAUI Component Suite

Free Offer

Deliver elegant mobile user experiences for both Android and iOS with our .NET MAUI stack and DevExtreme MAUI mobile controls. From Data Grid and Data Editors to App Navigation – the DevExpress .NET MAUI control library will allow you to apply your .NET expertise and deliver mobile solutions that amaze.

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