React Errors and Warnings API

This section lists errors and warnings that may occur in UI widgets.


A DataGrid internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


A DataGrid internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


A DataGrid internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


A DataGrid internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs if a public method is already registered.


A DataGrid internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs in DataGrid if the browser does not support local storage or session storage.

Use custom implementation of state storing. In this case, you should set the stateStoring.type option to 'custom' and pass the appropriate functions to the stateStoring.cusomLoad and stateStoring.customSave options.


Occurs if a custom template for the text field of an editor widget misses the TextBox.

Use the TextBox widget in the template.


Occurs if an item of the List widget is deleted, while the remove(key) method of the CustomStore used to access data is not implemented.

Pass the function implementing the remove(key) method to the remove option of the CustomStore.


Occurs in the List widget if the specified value of the itemDeleteMode or menuMode option is not supported.

Make sure that the itemDeleteMode and menuMode options have valid values.


Occurs in the DataGrid widget if the data source specified for a lookup column is not valid.

See the lookup.dataSource option's description for details on valid data sources.


Occurs in the DataGrid widget if the collapseAll(groupIndex) method is called, provided that the widget uses a remote data source.

Use the collapseAll(groupIndex) method only if the widget uses an array or locally stored data.


Occurs if a searchMode option holds an invalid value.

Check the validity of the value passed to the searchMode option.


A DateBox internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs in the Map widget if you try to remove a route or marker that does not exist.

Check the validity of the object passed to the removeMarker(marker) or removeRoute(route) method.


Occurs in the Map widget if an object passed to the markers option is not an array.

Check the validity of the object passed to the markers option.


Occurs in the Map widget if an object passed to the routes option is not an array.

Check the validity of the object passed to the routes option.


Occurs in the ResponsiveBox widget if the specified layout cannot be divided into rows and columns.

Simplify the layout configuration.


Occurs in the DataGrid widget if the summaryType field of an item is set to 'custom', provided that the calculateCustomSummary option value is not defined.

Define the calculateCustomSummary option value.


A ScrollView internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


A Scheduler internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs when an unspecified or an unknown start date is detected in an appointment object of the Scheduler widget.

Check that the appointment has a start date specified. This is an obligatory field for displaying appointments in the widget's timetable.


A Scheduler internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


The current browser does not implement an API required for saving files.

The IE9 and Safari (integrated in Mac OS) browsers do not implement an API for saving files. In this instance, the DataGrid widget can POST the content to a server-side proxy which will stream the file back to the end user. To enable this functionality, set the export.proxyUrl option to the proxy which will stream the file to the end user. When implementing the proxy, take the following information into account.

  • Your proxy will receive a POST request with the following parameters in the request body: fileName, contentType (the MIME type of the file) and base64 (the base-64 encoded file content).
  • The proxy should return the decoded file with the "Content-Disposition" header set to attachment; filename="".


Occurs if the editor cannot be created for a Form item because of an internal error.


Occurs if the validate() method of the Form widget is called while no validation rules are specified.


Occurs if the server returns grouped data that does not match the required format.

The DataGrid widget can display grouped data if data items have the following structure.

  • {
  • key: 'group1', //The group key
  • items: [
  • . . . //Group items
  • ]
  • }


Occurs when the DataGrid widget loads or saves a state if the browser does not support local storages for locally opened web pages.


A Scheduler internal error.

Please refer to our Support Center to solve the problem.


Occurs in the TreeView widget when the key field value is not unique within the data array.

Check the uniqueness of each data item key value.


Occurs if client-side exporting is enabled and the JSZip script is referenced after the DevExtreme scripts or not referenced at all.


Occurs if the key field is not set for the Store while selection is deferred.


Occurs when the key option of the Store has an incorrect value.

Make sure that the field specified in the key option exists in all data objects associated with the Store.

See Also


Occurs in the TreeList widget when the key field specified in the keyExpr option differs from the one specified in the Store.

Check that the key and keyExpr options have the same value.

See Also


Occurs in the TreeList widget if editing takes place without the key option specified in the Store.

Specify key in the Store.

See Also


Occurs in the TreeList widget if the key field is not found in at least one data object.

Check that all data objects have the field specified in the keyExpr option or the Store's key option.

See Also


Occurs in the FilterBuilder widget if the filter expression contains a data field that is not defined in the fields array.

Check that the data field used in the filter expression exists in the fields array.

See Also


Occurs in the FilterBuilder widget if a condition in the filter expression contains an operation unavailable for the used field.

Check that the field's filterOperations option includes the operation.


Occurs in the Map widget if the key option value is changed after the widget is created.

Do not change the key after the widget is created.


Occurs when you are trying to access an item that does not exist.

Check the validity of the specified item.


Occurs in the List widget if you try to select an item relating to a group that does not exist.

Check the validity of the specified group.


Occurs in the List widget if you try to select an item that does not exist within the specified group.

Check the validity of the specified item.


Occurs when data is loaded twice when applying initial filter settings.

When both a value for the Filter Row and text for the Search Panel are set for the grid, data loading will be performed twice. The first load will be performed to learn data types for grid columns, and the second one - to apply filters. To avoid double data loading, set data types for all grid columns.


An error occurred while communicating with the map service. See the map service documentation.


Occurs in the TreeView if a node refers to a parent node that does not exist.

Make sure that the parent node exists, and that the field that provides its ID is identical to the keyExpr.


Occurs in the Scheduler widget if you try to scroll to a date outside the current view.

Check that the scrollToTime(hours, minutes, date) method is called with a date in the current view.


Occurs in the List widget when you try to search through data specified using the items option.

Specify data in the dataSource option instead.


Occurs when trying to select all the items in a grouped List with the selectAllMode set to "allPages".

Set the selectAllMode to "page" or use a data source with a plain structure. If you need hierarchical data and the capability to select all items across all pages, transform plain data using the DataSource's group option.


Occurs in the DataGrid widget if the keyExpr option is specified and the data is not a JavaScript array.

Check that the DataGrid is bound to a JavaScript array.


Occurs in the DataGrid widget if the key field cannot be found in at least one data object.

Check that all data objects have the field specified in the widget's keyExpr option or the Store's key option.

See Also