DevExtreme React - Overview

A series is a collection of related data points.

DevExtreme HTML5 JavaScript Charts Series

The most important characteristic of a series is its type. The Chart provides over 20 series types, and all of them are described in the Series Types article. You can specify the type of a series using its type option.

A single Chart can contain several series at once. In this case, the series option accepts an array of series objects. To enable a user to identify a series among others on the chart legend, specify its name.

Objects in the series array specify individual settings for series. You can also specify common settings for series using the following objects.

  • commonSeriesSettings.%seriesType% (line, bar, etc.)
    Settings for all series of a specific type.

  • commonSeriesSettings
    Settings for all series in the Chart.

Note that individual settings override type-specific settings which, in turn, override common settings.

See Also