React HtmlEditor - Formats

The following tables list available formats and their values grouped into five categories: inline (or text), block, embedded, image, and table formats.

Inline (or text) formats

Format Name Accepted Values Customization Type
"background" Any value the background-color CSS property accepts. Modify
"bold" true, false Extend
"color" Any value the color CSS property accepts. Modify
"font" Any value the font-family CSS property accepts. Modify
"italic" true, false Extend
"link" String
Object ({ href: String, text: String, target: Boolean })
"size" Any value the font-size CSS property accepts. Modify
"strike" true, false Extend
"script" "sub", "super", false Extend
"underline" true, false Extend

Block formats

Format Name Accepted Values Customization Type
"blockquote" true, false Extend
"header" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false Extend
"indent" "+1", "-1", false Modify
"list" "ordered", "bullet", false Extend
"align" "left", "right", "center", "justify", false Modify
"code-block" true, false Extend

Embedded formats

All the following formats are extendable:

Format Name Value Types
"extendedImage" String
Object ({ src: String, width: Number, height: Number, alt: String })
"variable" Object ({ value: String, escapeChar: String | Array<String> })
"mention" Object ({ marker: String, id: String | Number, value: String })

Image formats

Format Name Supports Pasting into HtmlEditor Supports Drag and Drop from File Explorer
*.png Yes Yes
*.jpg Yes Yes
*.gif Yes Yes
*.webp Yes Yes
*.bmp Yes Yes
*.svg No Yes
*.ico Yes No

Table formats

The following formats apply only to the <table> element and can be modified (not extendable):

Format Name Value Types
"tableTextAlign" Any value the text-align CSS property accepts.
"tableWidth" Any value the width CSS property accepts.
"tableHeight" Any value the height CSS property accepts.
"tableBackgroundColor" Any value the background-color CSS property accepts.
"tableBorder" Any value the border CSS property accepts.
"tableBorderColor" Any value the border-color CSS property accepts.
"tableBorderWidth" Any value the border-width CSS property accepts.
"tableBorderStyle" Any value the border-style CSS property accepts.

The following formats apply only to the <th> and <td> elements and can be modified (not extendable):

Format Name Value Types
"cellWidth" Any value the width CSS property accepts.
"cellHeight" Any value the height CSS property accepts.
"cellBackgroundColor" Any value the background-color CSS property accepts.
"cellBorder" Any value the border CSS property accepts.
"cellBorderColor" Any value the border-color CSS property accepts.
"cellBorderWidth" Any value the border-width CSS property accepts.
"cellBorderStyle" Any value the border-style CSS property accepts.
"cellVerticalAlign" Any value the vertical-align CSS property accepts.
"cellTextAlign" Any value the text-align CSS property accepts.
"cellPadding" Any value the padding CSS property accepts.
"cellPaddingLeft" Any value the padding-left CSS property accepts.
"cellPaddingRight" Any value the padding-right CSS property accepts.
"cellPaddingTop" Any value the padding-top CSS property accepts.
"cellPaddingBottom" Any value the padding-bottom CSS property accepts.

The formats are applied by toolbar items. Most formats have items attached to them out-of-the-box. Refer to Predefined Items for a full list of toolbar items and the formats they apply.

Format the Content Programmatically

The HtmlEditor provides the following API methods to format the content:

API Method Description
format(formatName, formatValue) Applies a format to the selected content.
formatLine(index, length, formatName, formatValue) Applies a single block format to all lines in the given range.
formatLine(index, length, formats) Applies several block formats to all lines in the given range.
formatText(index, length, formatName, formatValue) Applies a single text format to all characters in the given range.
formatText(index, length, formats) Applies several text formats to all characters in the given range.

Refer to the full method descriptions for examples and detailed information.

Customize Built-In Formats and Modules

The extend operation is available for blots only. For attributors, use the modify operation.

The format tables include customization operations.


When modifying a format, you can change the markup tag associated with it and limit format values. Refer to the get(componentPath) description to see a code example.

Module modification is also possible but can cause the module to malfunction.


You can extend the HtmlEditor's formats and modules, and also the DevExtreme Quill's formats and modules. To get a format or module for further extension, pass "formats/[formatName]" or "modules/[moduleName]" to the get(componentPath) method.

In the following code, the strike format is extended so that the strikethrough text is non-editable when the format is applied. The extended format is then registered.

$(function() {
        // ...
        onInitialized: function(e) {
            const htmlEditor = e.component;
            const Strike = htmlEditor.get("formats/strike");
            class NonEditableStrike extends Strike {
                // Overrides the method that creates a DOM node for the formatted text
                static create(value) {
                    // Creates a DOM node using the parent's implementation
                    const node = super.create(value);
                    node.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
                    return node;
            // Replaces the built-in `strike` format
            htmlEditor.register({ "formats/strike": NonEditableStrike });
import { DxHtmlEditorModule } from "devextreme-angular";
// ...
export class AppComponent {
    onInitialized (e) {
        const htmlEditor = e.component;
        const Strike = htmlEditor.get("formats/strike");
        class NonEditableStrike extends Strike {
            // Overrides the method that creates a DOM node for the formatted text
            static create(value) {
                // Creates a DOM node using the parent's implementation
                const node = super.create(value);
                node.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
                return node;
        // Replaces the built-in `strike` format
        htmlEditor.register({ "formats/strike": NonEditableStrike });
    imports: [
        // ...
    // ...
    <DxHtmlEditor @initialized="onInitialized"/>

import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css';

import { DxHtmlEditor } from 'devextreme-vue/html-editor';

export default {
    components: {
    methods: {
        onInitialized(e) {
            const htmlEditor = e.component;
            const Strike = htmlEditor.get('formats/strike');
            class NonEditableStrike extends Strike {
                // Overrides the method that creates a DOM node for the formatted text
                static create(value) {
                    // Creates a DOM node using the parent's implementation
                    const node = super.create(value);
                    node.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
                    return node;
            // Replaces the built-in `strike` format
                'formats/strike': NonEditableStrike
import React from 'react';
import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css';

import { HtmlEditor } from 'devextreme-react/html-editor';

class App extends React.Component {
    onInitialized(e) {
        const htmlEditor = e.component;
        const Strike = htmlEditor.get('formats/strike');
        class NonEditableStrike extends Strike {
            // Overrides the method that creates a DOM node for the formatted text
            static create(value) {
                // Creates a DOM node using the parent's implementation
                const node = super.create(value);
                node.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
                return node;
        // Replaces the built-in `strike` format
            'formats/strike': NonEditableStrike

    render() {
        return (
            <HtmlEditor onInitialized={this.onInitialized}/>


export default App;
Quill registers modules globally in a static function. You cannot register different modules for different HtmlEditor instances. If you register a module for one HtmlEditor, this module will be registered for all other HtmlEditors on the page/application.