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Node and Edge Arrays


This demo shows the Diagram component's capability to load an external tree or a graph structure from two data sources: an array of shapes and an array of shape connectors. The connector is specified by the shape's ID attributes. The Diagram transforms information from the data sources into a tree layout view.

Backend API
$(() => { $('#diagram').dxDiagram({ nodes: { dataSource: new{ key: 'id', data: flowNodes, }), textExpr: 'text', typeExpr: 'type', autoLayout: { type: 'layered', }, }, edges: { dataSource: new{ key: 'id', data: flowEdges, }), textExpr: 'text', fromExpr: 'fromId', toExpr: 'toId', }, toolbox: { groups: ['general'], }, }); });
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#diagram { height: 725px; }
const flowNodes = [ { id: 107, text: 'A new ticket', type: 'terminator', }, { id: 108, text: 'Analyze the issue', type: 'process', }, { id: 118, text: 'Do we have all information to work with?', type: 'diamond', }, { id: 120, text: 'Answered', type: 'terminator', }, { id: 121, text: 'Request additional information or clarify the scenario', type: 'rectangle', }, { id: 125, text: 'Prepare an example in Code Central', type: 'rectangle', }, { id: 127, text: 'Update the documentation', type: 'rectangle', }, { id: 131, text: 'Process the ticket', type: 'rectangle', }, { id: 133, text: 'Work with the R&D team', type: 'rectangle', }, ]; const flowEdges = [ { fromId: 107, id: 116, text: null, toId: 108, }, { fromId: 108, id: 117, text: null, toId: 118, }, { fromId: 118, id: 122, text: 'No', toId: 121, }, { fromId: 121, id: 123, text: null, toId: 108, }, { fromId: 131, id: 124, text: null, toId: 120, }, { fromId: 120, id: 126, text: '', toId: 125, }, { fromId: 120, id: 130, text: '', toId: 127, }, { fromId: 118, id: 132, text: 'Yes', toId: 131, }, { fromId: 131, id: 134, text: 'Need developer assistance?', toId: 133, }, { fromId: 133, id: 135, text: null, toId: 120, }, ];