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Toolbar and Context Menu

The FileManager component provides the following UI customization properties:

  • The toolbar property specifies the toolbar's visibility and available commands.
  • The contextMenu property specifies the context menu's availability and its commands.

The toolbar and context menu support context-invariant and context-sensitive items that can be visible or hidden depending on user action.

Backend API
$(() => { const fileManager = $('#file-manager').dxFileManager({ name: 'fileManager', fileSystemProvider: fileSystem, height: 450, permissions: { create: true, delete: true, rename: true, download: true, }, itemView: { details: { columns: [ 'thumbnail', 'name', { dataField: 'category', caption: 'Category', width: 95, }, 'dateModified', 'size', ], }, showParentFolder: false, }, toolbar: { items: [ { name: 'showNavPane', visible: true, }, 'separator', 'create', { widget: 'dxMenu', location: 'before', options: { items: [ { text: 'Create new file', icon: 'plus', items: [ { text: 'Text Document', extension: '.txt', }, { text: 'RTF Document', extension: '.rtf', }, { text: 'Spreadsheet', extension: '.xls', }, ], }, ], onItemClick, }, }, 'refresh', { name: 'separator', location: 'after', }, 'switchView', ], fileSelectionItems: [ 'rename', 'separator', 'delete', 'separator', { widget: 'dxMenu', options: { items: [ { text: 'Category', icon: 'tags', items: [ { text: 'Work', category: 'Work', }, { text: 'Important', category: 'Important', }, { text: 'Home', category: 'Home', }, { text: 'None', category: '', }, ], }, ], onItemClick, }, location: 'before', }, 'refresh', 'clearSelection', ], }, onContextMenuItemClick: onItemClick, contextMenu: { items: [ 'create', { text: 'Create new file', icon: 'plus', items: [ { text: 'Text Document', }, { text: 'RTF Document', }, { text: 'Spreadsheet', }, ], }, { name: 'rename', beginGroup: true, }, 'delete', { text: 'Category', icon: 'tags', beginGroup: true, items: [ { text: 'Work', }, { text: 'Important', }, { text: 'Home', }, { text: 'None', }, ], }, 'refresh', ], }, }).dxFileManager('instance'); function onItemClick(args) { let updated = false; const { extension, category } = getItemInfo(args.itemData.text); if (extension) { updated = createFile(extension, args.fileSystemItem); } else if (category !== undefined) { updated = updateCategory(category, args.fileSystemItem, args.viewArea); } if (updated) { fileManager.refresh(); } } function createFile(fileExtension, directory = fileManager.getCurrentDirectory()) { const newItem = { __KEY__:, name: `New file${fileExtension}`, isDirectory: false, size: 0, }; if (!directory.isDirectory) { return false; } let array = null; if (!directory.dataItem) { array = fileSystem; } else { array = directory.dataItem.items; if (!array) { array = []; directory.dataItem.items = array; } } array.push(newItem); return true; } function updateCategory(newCategory, directory, viewArea) { let items = null; if (viewArea === 'navPane') { items = [directory]; } else { items = fileManager.getSelectedItems(); } items.forEach((item) => { if (item.dataItem) { item.dataItem.category = newCategory; } }); return items.length > 0; } });
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const fileSystem = [ { name: 'Documents', isDirectory: true, category: 'Work', items: [ { name: 'Projects', isDirectory: true, category: 'Work', items: [ { name: 'About.rtf', isDirectory: false, size: 1024, }, { name: 'Passwords.rtf', isDirectory: false, category: 'Important', size: 2048, }, ], }, { name: 'About.xml', isDirectory: false, size: 1024, }, { name: 'Managers.rtf', isDirectory: false, size: 2048, }, { name: 'ToDo.txt', isDirectory: false, size: 3072, }, ], }, { name: 'Images', isDirectory: true, category: 'Home', items: [ { name: 'logo.png', isDirectory: false, size: 20480, }, { name: 'banner.gif', isDirectory: false, size: 10240, }, ], }, { name: 'System', isDirectory: true, category: 'Important', items: [ { name: 'Employees.txt', isDirectory: false, category: 'Important', size: 3072, }, { name: 'PasswordList.txt', isDirectory: false, category: 'Important', size: 5120, }, ], }, { name: 'Description.rtf', isDirectory: false, size: 1024, }, { name: 'Description.txt', isDirectory: false, size: 2048, }, ]; const fileExtensions = { 'Text Document': '.txt', 'RTF Document': '.rtf', Spreadsheet: '.xls', }; const categories = ['Work', 'Important', 'Home', 'None']; function getItemInfo(name) { const extension = fileExtensions[name]; const category = extension || categories.find((cat) => cat === name); return { extension, category, }; }