DevExtreme Angular - Get a Widget Instance

Use the following code to get a widget instance:

var chartInstance = $("#chartContainer").dxChart("instance");

If the widget is not yet instantiated, this code throws an E0009 exception that you can handle with a try...catch block:

try {
    var chartInstance = $("#chartContainer").dxChart("instance");
catch (err) {
    alert("Exception handled: " + err.message);

Instead of the exception, you can get a truthy or falsy value that can be used in conditional statements. To do this, call the widget class's static getInstance(element) method. This method returns undefined if the widget is not instantiated for the element:

var element = document.getElementById("chartContainer");
var chartInstance = DevExpress.viz.dxChart.getInstance(element);
if (chartInstance) {
    // Your code goes here
See Also