Angular SlideOut - Open and Close the Menu Using the API

To open or close the SlideOut menu programmatically, call the showMenu() or hideMenu() method. You can do the same thing using the toggleMenuVisibility(showing) method. Pass true or false to this method to open or close the menu, respectively. For example, the following code shows how to close the slide-out menu when a user selects a command on it.

var products = [
    { text: "SuperLCD 42", price: "$1200" },
    { text: "SuperLED 42", price: "$1450" },
    { text: "SuperLED 50", price: "$1600" },
    { text: "SuperLCD 55", price: "$1350" },
    { text: "SuperLCD 70", price: "$4000" }

$(function () {
        dataSource: products,
        onItemClick: function (e) {
            // ---------- or ----------

In this code, the slide-out menu is being closed from within the SlideOut UI component. If another component should open or close the slide-out menu, call the methods in a different manner. The following example shows how a click on a Button can open the SlideOut menu.

$(function () {
        text: "Open the slide-out menu"
        onClick: function (e) {
            // ---------- or ----------
            $("#slideOutContainer").dxSlideOut("toggleMenuVisibility", true);

When using AngularJS or Knockout, you can still call these methods, but as an alternative, you can bind the menuVisible property of the SlideOut UI component to a scope property (in AngularJS) or an observable variable (in Knockout). After that, change this scope property or observable variable, and the slide-out menu will be opened or closed.

<div ng-controller="DemoController">
    <div dx-slide-out="{
        dataSource: products,
        contentTemplate: 'button',
        onItemClick: hideMenu,
        bindingOptions: {
            menuVisible: 'isMenuVisible'
        <div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'button' }">
            <div dx-button="{
                text: 'Open the slide-out menu',
                onClick: showMenu
angular.module('DemoApp', ['dx'])
    .controller('DemoController', function DemoController($scope) {
        $scope.products = [
            { text: "SuperLCD 42", price: "$1200" },
            { text: "SuperLED 42", price: "$1450" },
            { text: "SuperLED 50", price: "$1600" },
            { text: "SuperLCD 55", price: "$1350" },
            { text: "SuperLCD 70", price: "$4000" }
        $scope.isMenuVisible = false;
        $scope.showMenu = function () {
            $scope.isMenuVisible = true;
        $scope.hideMenu = function () {
            $scope.isMenuVisible = false;
<div data-bind="dxSlideOut: {
    dataSource: products,
    contentTemplate: 'button',
    onItemClick: function (e) {
    menuVisible: isMenuVisible
    <div data-options="dxTemplate: { name: 'button' }">
        <div data-bind="dxButton: {
            text: 'Open the slide-out menu',
            onClick: function (e) {
var viewModel= {
    products: [
        { text: "SuperLCD 42", price: "$1200" },
        { text: "SuperLED 42", price: "$1450" },
        { text: "SuperLED 50", price: "$1600" },
        { text: "SuperLCD 55", price: "$1350" },
        { text: "SuperLCD 70", price: "$4000" }
    isMenuVisible: ko.observable(false)

See Also