DevExtreme Angular - What’s New in v20.1
New Diagram
The Diagram control was first introduced in May 2019 as a community technology preview (CTP). This update marks its official release. Its features include:
- 40+ Predefined Shapes (including collapsible shape containers and OrgChart shapes)
- Custom Shapes
- Bind to External Data
- Load / Save Diagram in the JSON Format
- Export to SVG, PNG and JPEG
- Auto Layout
- Templates
- Full Screen and Simple View Modes
- Read-Only Mode
- Configurable Page Settings
- UI Customization
- Support for Mobile Devices
- Localization

New File Manager
The File Manager was first introduced in May 2019 as a community technology preview (CTP). This update marks its official release.
Its features include:
- Configurable and Modular File System Providers
- File and Folder Editing
- Upload / Download Files
- Thumbnail and Details view modes
- Selection
- Progress and Status UI
- Toolbar and Context Menu
- File Upload Validation
- Responsive UI
- Touch Support
- Localization

New Gantt
The Gantt control was first introduced in October 2019 as a community technology preview (CTP). This update marks its official release.
Its features include:
- Data Binding
- Task, Dependency and Resource Management
- Change History
- Task Dependency and Parent/Child Relationship Validation
- Time Highlighting
- Context Menu and Toolbar
- Scroll and Zoom
- Configurable Task Appearance
- Localization

Data Grid
New Export to Excel API
This update marks the official release of our new Export to Excel API (based on the ExcelJS library). Features include:
- Customize Individual Cells via customizeCell Callback
- Column Band Export
- Cell Text Alignment, Wrapping and Font Settings
- DataGrid's Column Format Support
- Cell Image Export
- Excel-Inspired Column Filter
- Export Status Panel

Data Grid and Tree List
Remote Validation Support
We have extended Asynchronous Validation Rule support in DataGrid/TreeList cells when using row and batch edit modes.

Data Visualization
Custom Position of Chart Axes
You can now specify the X/Y offset for axes origin.

Hourly Repeating Events
DevExtreme Scheduler can now use hours to specify repeat intervals for an event (such as an event that repeats every 4 hours).

Adaptivity Enhancements
The DevExtreme Scheduler's Appointment Form was redesigned to better match screen size.

API Enhancements
This release includes a new 'allowEditingTimeZones' option. You no longer need to implement a custom 'onAppointmentFormOpening' event handler.
HTML/Markdown Editor
Multi-line Toolbar
You can now display HTMLEditor toolbar items across multiple lines. Turn-off the 'toolbar.multiline' option to disable this new option.

UI Widgets
TreeView - Selection API Enhancements
- GetSelectedNodes - gets selected nodes.
- GetSelectedNodeKeys - gets selected node keys.
TreeView - Scrolling API Enhancements
The new 'scrollToItem' method allows you to scroll to a specified TreeView node.
React Components
Authentication UI Template
We've extended our Login Form template with a new Sign Up, Reset/Change Password form template. We've also implemented corresponding client-side API so you can integrate our forms with your backend authentication API.

Native React Scheduler - Resources and Grouping
We added resource support to our DevExtreme React Scheduler. Assign resources to appointments and visualize appointments grouped by resources or by dates.

Native React Grid - Export to Excel
You can now export the contents of the DevExtreme React Grid to Excel (including options to configure formatting).

Native React Grid - Scroll To Row
We introduced a new API that allows you to scroll DevExtreme React Grid content to a specific row.