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React Gantt - Export To PDF

DevExtreme JavaScript Gantt component allows you to export the contents of your Gantt to PDF.

Backend API

This demo allows you to apply the following built-in export and task filter options:

Export Options

Document format - Specifies document size.

Landscape orientation – Renders the PDF horizontally.

Export mode - Specifies Gantt regions to include within the exported document (chart area, tree list area, or the entire component).

Task Filter Options

Date range - Restricts data output against a specified date range.

Start task (index) – Restricts data output against the start task's index within an index range.

End task (index) – Restricts data output against the end task's index within an index range.

Start date (task)- Restricts data output by start date.

End date (task) – Restricts data output by end date.

Click the “Export” toolbar item to call the exportGantt(options) method (exports Gantt data with specified export options).

To enable PDF export operations, you must reference or import the following:

  • jsPDF
    A library that creates and manages PDF documents.

  • jsPDF-AutoTable
    A plugin that creates and manages tables in PDF documents.