DevExtreme React - Overview

The Button widget is a simple button that performs specified commands when a user clicks it.

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The following code adds a simple Button to your page.

In the previous code, the click event is handled using the onClick option. Alternatively, you can attach one or several handlers to this event using the on(eventName, eventHandler) method. This approach is more typical of jQuery.

  • var clickHandler1 = function (e) {
  • // First handler of the "click" event
  • };
  • var clickHandler2 = function (e) {
  • // Second handler of the "click" event
  • };
  • $("#buttonContainer").dxButton("instance")
  • .on('click', clickHandler1)
  • .on('click', clickHandler2);

The appearance of the Button is predefined by its type. Find more on this and other properties that impact the widget appearance in the Customize the Appearance article.

See Also