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React Field Set

DevExtreme ships with CSS classes that allow you to define the appearance of list-like structures that contain multiple field items -- field sets.

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A Simple Field Set

To create a basic field set, use the dx-fieldset CSS class for the main container element. Then, use the dx-fieldset-header class to specify the field set header. The header element can contain plain text, UI components, or custom markup.

Create field set items as separate elements with the dx-field class. The field element can include label and value elements. To define the label element, use the dx-field-label class. The value element uses the dx-field-value-static class and can display plain text or custom markup.

A Field Set with DevExtreme Widgets

You can also use DevExtreme UI components as value elements. Specify the dx-field-value class in the component's HTML markup.

A Field Set with Custom Value Width

To align all field set elements by width, attach a custom id to the element with the dx-fieldset class and apply CSS rules according to the rules in the demo.