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React Pivot Grid - Standalone Field Chooser

DevExtreme includes a standalone PivotGridFieldChooser component. Unlike its integrated counterpart, the standalone field chooser can remain visible on the page at all times.

Backend API

Follow the steps below to connect the PivotGridFieldChooser with the PivotGrid:

  1. Bind both components to the same data source
    Assign the same PivotGridDataSource instance to the dataSource property of both components.

  2. (Optional) Disable the integrated field chooser
    Both field choosers can work simultaneously, but if you want to disable the integrated version, set the PivotGrid's fieldChooser.enabled property to false.

  3. (Optional) Apply field changes on demand
    When users move fields within the field chooser, the changes are applied to the connected PivotGrid instantly. To change this behavior, set the applyChangesMode to "onDemand". In this mode, the changes are applied/canceled only when you call the applyChanges()/cancelChanges() method or set a new state. You can add a UI for these methods. For example, in this demo, they are bound to the Apply and Cancel buttons. Select "onDemand" from the Apply Changes Mode drop-down menu to display these buttons.

The standalone and integrated field choosers share features. For example, both field choosers include three layouts. You can use the radio buttons to switch between field choosers and review the differences. For information about other available features, refer to the Integrated Field Chooser demo.