DevExtreme React - Keyboard Support

An end user can use the following keys to interact with the widget.

Key Action
Alt + ↓ Opens the drop-down menu.
Enter or Backspace If the drop-down menu is closed, opens it; otherwise selects the current item.
Esc Closes the drop-down menu.
↑ / ↓ If the drop-down menu is opened, moves focus to the previous/next item.
Tab / Shift + Tab If the drop-down menu is opened, moves focus to the list / search field.

You can implement a custom handler for a key using the registerKeyHandler(key, handler) method.

function registerKeyHandlers () {
    let lookup =  $("#lookupContainer").dxLookup("instance");
    lookup.registerKeyHandler("backspace", function (e) {
        // The argument "e" contains information on the event
    lookup.registerKeyHandler("space", function (e) {
        // ...
import { ..., ViewChild, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';
import { DxLookupModule, DxLookupComponent } from 'devextreme-angular';
// ...
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
    @ViewChild(DxLookupComponent) lookup: DxLookupComponent
    ngAfterViewInit () {
        this.lookup.instance.registerKeyHandler("backspace", function (e) {
            // The argument "e" contains information on the event
        this.lookup.instance.registerKeyHandler("space", function (e) {
            // ...
    imports: [
        // ...
    // ...
See Also