React DataGrid API
The DataGrid is a widget that represents data from a local or remote source in the form of a grid. This widget offers such basic features as sorting, grouping, filtering, as well as more advanced capabilities, like state storing, export to Excel, master-detail interface, and many others.
DevExtreme widgets are integrated with many popular libraries and frameworks. See the Installation section (for JavaScript libraries) or the Prerequisites and Installation section (for ASP.NET MVC framework) to find details on setting up DevExtreme with a particular library or framework.
The following code shows how to create the DataGrid widget using every supported library and framework. For more details on working with widgets in these libraries and frameworks, see the Widget Basics topic for jQuery, Angular, AngularJS, Knockout or ASP.NET MVC.
See Also
Name | Description |
accessKey |
Specifies the shortcut key that sets focus on the widget. |
activeStateEnabled |
Specifies whether or not the widget changes its state when interacting with a user. |
allowColumnReordering |
Specifies whether a user can reorder columns. |
allowColumnResizing |
Specifies whether a user can resize columns. |
cacheEnabled |
Specifies whether data should be cached. |
cellHintEnabled |
Enables a hint that appears when a user hovers the mouse pointer over a cell with truncated content. |
columnAutoWidth |
Specifies whether columns should adjust their widths to the content. |
columnChooser |
Configures the column chooser. |
columnFixing |
Configures column fixing. |
columnHidingEnabled |
Specifies whether the widget should hide columns to adapt to the screen or container size. Ignored if allowColumnResizing is true and columnResizingMode is "widget". |
columnMinWidth |
Specifies the minimum width of columns. |
columnResizingMode |
Specifies how the widget resizes columns. Applies only if allowColumnResizing is true. |
columns |
An array of grid columns. |
columnWidth |
Specifies the width for all data columns. Has a lower priority than the column.width option. |
customizeColumns |
Specifies a function that customizes grid columns after they are created. |
customizeExportData |
Customizes data before exporting. |
dataSource |
Specifies the origin of data for the widget. |
dateSerializationFormat |
Specifies date-time values' serialization format. Use it only if you do not specify the dataSource at design time. |
disabled |
Specifies whether the widget responds to user interaction. |
editing |
Configures editing. |
elementAttr |
Specifies the attributes to be attached to the widget's root element. |
errorRowEnabled |
Indicates whether to show the error row. |
export |
Configures client-side exporting. |
filterBuilder |
Configures the integrated filter builder. |
filterBuilderPopup |
Configures the popup in which the integrated filter builder is shown. |
filterPanel |
Configures the filter panel. |
filterRow |
Configures the filter row. |
filterSyncEnabled |
Specifies whether to synchronize the filter row, header filter, and filter builder. The synchronized filter expression is stored in the filterValue option. |
filterValue |
Specifies a filter expression. |
focusStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the widget can be focused using keyboard navigation. |
grouping |
Configures grouping. |
groupPanel |
Configures the group panel. |
headerFilter |
Configures the header filter feature. |
height |
Specifies the widget's height. |
hint |
Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the widget. |
hoverStateEnabled |
Specifies whether to highlight rows when a user moves the mouse pointer over them. |
keyExpr |
Specifies which data field provides keys for data items. Applies only if data is a simple array. |
loadPanel |
Configures the load panel. |
masterDetail |
Allows you to build a master-detail interface in the grid. |
noDataText |
Specifies text shown when the widget does not display any data. |
onAdaptiveDetailRowPreparing |
A function that is executed before an adaptive detail row is rendered. |
onCellClick |
A function that is executed when a cell is clicked or tapped. Executed before onRowClick. |
onCellHoverChanged |
A function that is executed after the pointer enters or leaves a cell. |
onCellPrepared |
A function that is executed after a cell is created. |
onContentReady |
A function that is executed when the widget's content is ready and each time the content is changed. |
onContextMenuPreparing |
A function that is executed before the context menu is rendered. |
onDataErrorOccurred |
A function that is executed when an error occurs in the data source. |
onDisposing |
A function that is executed before the widget is disposed of. |
onEditingStart |
A function that is executed before a cell or row switches to the editing state. |
onEditorPrepared |
A function that is executed after an editor is created. |
onEditorPreparing |
A function that is executed before an editor is created. |
onExported |
A function that is executed after data is exported. |
onExporting |
A function that is executed before data is exported. |
onFileSaving |
A function that is executed before a file with exported data is saved to the user's local storage. |
onInitialized |
A function that is executed only once, after the widget is initialized. |
onInitNewRow |
A function that is executed before a new row is added to the widget. |
onKeyDown |
A function that is executed when the widget is in focus and a key has been pressed down. |
onOptionChanged |
A function that is executed after a widget option is changed. |
onRowClick |
A function that is executed when a row is clicked or tapped. |
onRowCollapsed |
A function that is executed after a row is collapsed. |
onRowCollapsing |
A function that is executed before a row is collapsed. |
onRowExpanded |
A function that is executed after a row is expanded. |
onRowExpanding |
A function that is executed before a row is expanded. |
onRowInserted |
A function that is executed after a new row has been inserted into the data source. |
onRowInserting |
A function that is executed before a new row is inserted into the data source. |
onRowPrepared |
A function that is executed after a row is created. |
onRowRemoved |
A function that is executed after a row has been removed from the data source. |
onRowRemoving |
A function that is executed before a row is removed from the data source. |
onRowUpdated |
A function that is executed after a row has been updated in the data source. |
onRowUpdating |
A function that is executed before a row is updated in the data source. |
onRowValidating |
A function that is executed after cells in a row are validated against validation rules. |
onSelectionChanged |
A function that is executed after selecting a row or clearing its selection. |
onToolbarPreparing |
A function that is executed before the toolbar is created. |
pager |
Configures the pager. |
paging |
Configures paging. |
remoteOperations |
Notifies the DataGrid of the server's data processing operations. |
renderAsync |
Specifies whether to render the filter row, command columns, and columns with showEditorAlways set to true after other elements. |
rowAlternationEnabled |
Specifies whether rows should be shaded differently. |
rowTemplate |
Specifies a custom template for rows. |
rtlEnabled |
Switches the widget to a right-to-left representation. |
scrolling |
Configures scrolling. |
searchPanel |
Configures the search panel. |
selectedRowKeys |
Allows you to select rows or learn which rows are selected. Applies only if selection.deferred is false. |
selection |
Configures runtime selection. |
selectionFilter |
Specifies filters for the rows that must be selected initially. Applies only if selection.deferred is true. |
showBorders |
Specifies whether the outer borders of the widget are visible. |
showColumnHeaders |
Specifies whether column headers are visible. |
showColumnLines |
Specifies whether vertical lines that separate one column from another are visible. |
showRowLines |
Specifies whether horizontal lines that separate one row from another are visible. |
sortByGroupSummaryInfo |
Allows you to sort groups according to the values of group summary items. |
sorting |
Configures runtime sorting. |
stateStoring |
Configures state storing. |
summary |
Specifies the options of the grid summary. |
tabIndex |
Specifies the number of the element when the Tab key is used for navigating. |
twoWayBindingEnabled |
Specifies whether to enable two-way data binding. |
visible |
Specifies whether the widget is visible. |
width |
Specifies the widget's width. |
wordWrapEnabled |
Specifies whether text that does not fit into a column should be wrapped. |
Name | Description |
addColumn(columnOptions) |
Adds a new column. |
addRow() |
Adds an empty data row. |
beginCustomLoading(messageText) |
Shows the load panel. |
beginUpdate() |
Prevents the widget from refreshing until the endUpdate() method is called. |
byKey(key) |
Gets a data object with a specific key. |
cancelEditData() |
Discards changes that a user made to data. |
cellValue(rowIndex, dataField) |
Gets the value of a cell with a specific row index and a data field, column caption or name. |
cellValue(rowIndex, dataField, value) |
Sets a new value to a cell with a specific row index and a data field, column caption or name. |
cellValue(rowIndex, visibleColumnIndex) |
Gets the value of a cell with specific row and column indexes. |
cellValue(rowIndex, visibleColumnIndex, value) |
Sets a new value to a cell with specific row and column indexes. |
clearFilter() |
Clears all filters applied to widget rows. |
clearFilter(filterName) |
Clears all row filters of a specific type. |
clearGrouping() |
Ungroups grid records. |
clearSelection() |
Clears selection of all rows on all pages. |
clearSorting() |
Clears sorting settings of all columns at once. |
closeEditCell() |
Switches the cell being edited back to the normal state. Takes effect only if editing.mode is batch and showEditorAlways is false. |
collapseAdaptiveDetailRow() |
Collapses the currently expanded adaptive detail row (if there is one). |
collapseAll(groupIndex) |
Collapses master rows or groups of a specific level. |
collapseRow(key) |
Collapses a group or a master row with a specific key. |
columnCount() |
Gets the data column count. Includes visible and hidden columns, excludes command columns. |
columnOption(id) |
Gets all options of a column with a specific identifier. |
columnOption(id, optionName) |
Gets the value of a single column option. |
columnOption(id, optionName, optionValue) |
Updates the value of a single column option. |
columnOption(id, options) |
Updates the values of several column options. |
defaultOptions(rule) |
Specifies the device-dependent default configuration options for this component. |
deleteColumn(id) |
Removes a column. |
deleteRow(rowIndex) |
Removes a row with a specific index. |
deselectAll() |
Clears the selection of all rows on all pages or the currently rendered page only. |
deselectRows(keys) |
Cancels the selection of rows with specific keys. |
dispose() |
Disposes of all the resources allocated to the DataGrid instance. |
editCell(rowIndex, dataField) |
Switches a cell with a specific row index and a data field to the editing state. Takes effect only if the editing mode is "batch" or "cell". |
editCell(rowIndex, visibleColumnIndex) |
Switches a cell with specific row and column indexes to the editing state. Takes effect only if the editing mode is "batch" or "cell". |
editRow(rowIndex) |
Switches a row with a specific index to the editing state. Takes effect only if the editing mode is "row", "popup" or "form". |
element() |
Gets the root widget element. |
endCustomLoading() |
Hides the load panel. |
endUpdate() |
Refreshes the widget after a call of the beginUpdate() method. |
expandAdaptiveDetailRow(key) |
Expands an adaptive detail row. |
expandAll(groupIndex) |
Expands master rows or groups of a specific level. Does not apply if data is remote. |
expandRow(key) |
Expands a group or a master row with a specific key. |
exportToExcel(selectionOnly) |
Exports grid data to Excel. |
filter() |
Gets a filter expression applied to the widget's data source using the filter(filterExpr) method and the DataSource's filter option. |
filter(filterExpr) |
Applies a filter to the widget's data source. |
focus() |
Sets focus on the widget. |
focus(element) |
Sets focus on a specific cell. |
getCellElement(rowIndex, dataField) |
Gets a cell with a specific row index and a data field, column caption or name. |
getCellElement(rowIndex, visibleColumnIndex) |
Gets a cell with specific row and column indexes. |
getCombinedFilter() |
Gets the total filter that combines all the filters applied. |
getCombinedFilter(returnDataField) |
Gets the total filter that combines all the filters applied. |
getDataSource() |
Gets the DataSource instance. |
getInstance(element) |
Gets the instance of a widget found using its DOM node. |
getKeyByRowIndex(rowIndex) |
Gets the key of a row with a specific index. |
getRowElement(rowIndex) |
Gets the container of a row with a specific index. |
getRowIndexByKey(key) |
Gets the index of a row with a specific key. |
getScrollable() |
Gets the instance of the widget's scrollable part. |
getSelectedRowKeys() |
Gets the currently selected rows' keys. |
getSelectedRowsData() |
Gets the selected rows' data objects. |
getTotalSummaryValue(summaryItemName) |
Gets the value of a total summary item. |
getVisibleColumns() |
Gets all visible columns. |
getVisibleColumns(headerLevel) |
Gets all visible columns at a specific hierarchical level of column headers. Use it to access banded columns. |
getVisibleRows() |
Gets currently rendered rows. |
hasEditData() |
Checks whether the widget has unsaved changes. |
hideColumnChooser() |
Hides the column chooser. |
instance() |
Gets the widget's instance. Use it to access other methods of the widget. |
isAdaptiveDetailRowExpanded(key) |
Checks whether an adaptive detail row is expanded or collapsed. |
isRowExpanded(key) |
Checks whether a specific group or master row is expanded or collapsed. |
isRowSelected(data) |
Checks whether a row found using its data object is selected. Takes effect only if selection.deferred is true. |
isRowSelected(key) |
Checks whether a row with a specific key is selected. Takes effect only if selection.deferred is false. |
keyOf(obj) |
Gets a data object's key. |
off(eventName) |
Detaches all event handlers from a single event. |
off(eventName, eventHandler) |
Detaches a particular event handler from a single event. |
on(eventName, eventHandler) |
Subscribes to an event. |
on(events) |
Subscribes to events. |
option() |
Gets all widget options. |
option(optionName) |
Gets the value of a single option. |
option(optionName, optionValue) |
Updates the value of a single option. |
option(options) |
Updates the values of several options. |
pageCount() |
Gets the total page count. |
pageIndex() |
Gets the current page index. |
pageIndex(newIndex) |
Switches the widget to a specific page using a zero-based index. |
pageSize() |
Gets the current page size. |
pageSize(value) |
Sets the page size. |
refresh() |
Reloads data in the widget. |
repaint() |
Repaints the widget without reloading data. Call it to update the widget's markup. |
repaintRows(rowIndexes) |
Repaints specific rows. |
saveEditData() |
Saves changes that a user made to data. |
searchByText(text) |
Seeks a search string in the columns whose allowSearch option is true. |
selectAll() |
Selects all rows. |
selectRows(keys, preserve) |
Selects rows with specific keys. |
selectRowsByIndexes(indexes) |
Selects rows with specific indexes. |
showColumnChooser() |
Shows the column chooser. |
state() |
Gets the current widget state. |
state(state) |
Sets the widget state. |
totalCount() |
Gets the total row count. |
undeleteRow(rowIndex) |
Recovers a row deleted in batch editing mode. |
updateDimensions() |
Updates the widget's content after resizing. |
Name | Description |
adaptiveDetailRowPreparing |
Raised before an adaptive detail row is rendered. |
cellClick |
Raised when a cell is clicked or tapped. |
cellHoverChanged |
Raised after the pointer enters or leaves a cell. |
cellPrepared |
Raised after a cell is created. |
contentReady |
Raised when the widget's content is ready. |
contextMenuPreparing |
Raised before the context menu is rendered. |
dataErrorOccurred |
Raised when an error occurs in the data source. |
disposing |
Raised before the widget is disposed of. |
editingStart |
Raised before a cell or row switches to the editing state. |
editorPrepared |
Raised after an editor is created. |
editorPreparing |
Raised before an editor is created. |
exported |
Raised after data is exported. |
exporting |
Raised before data is exported. |
fileSaving |
Raised before a file with exported data is saved to the user's local storage. |
initialized |
Raised only once, after the widget is initialized. |
initNewRow |
Raised before a new row is added to the widget. |
keyDown |
Raised when the widget is in focus and a key has been pressed down. |
optionChanged |
Raised after a widget option is changed. |
rowClick |
Raised when a row is clicked or tapped. |
rowCollapsed |
Raised after a row is collapsed. |
rowCollapsing |
Raised before a row is collapsed. |
rowExpanded |
Raised after a row is expanded. |
rowExpanding |
Raised before a row is expanded. |
rowInserted |
Raised after a new row has been inserted into the data source. |
rowInserting |
Raised before a new row is inserted into the data source. |
rowPrepared |
Raised after a row is created. |
rowRemoved |
Raised after a row has been removed from the data source. |
rowRemoving |
Raised before a row is removed from the data source. |
rowUpdated |
Raised after a row has been updated in the data source. |
rowUpdating |
Raised before a row is updated in the data source. |
rowValidating |
Raised after cells in a row are validated against validation rules. |
selectionChanged |
Raised after selecting a row or clearing its selection. |
toolbarPreparing |
Raised before the toolbar is created. |
This section describes the properties of a grid row. An object containing these properties comes to certain event-handling functions.
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.