React Errors and Warnings API
This section lists errors and warnings that may occur in DevExtreme data visualization widgets during runtime.
A widget accepts an array of objects as a data source. If you try to pass anything else, the E2001 error occurs. To see an example of how to provide data for a widget, refer to the Providing Data topic.
See Also
By default, data type of arguments and values is determined automatically based on the type of values from the data source. In some cases, specifying the data type explicitly may be required. For this purpose, the argumentAxis.argumentType and valueAxis.valueType options can be used.
Similarly, the types of argument and value axes are determined automatically based on the data type, or set explicitly using the type option of the argumentAxis or valueAxis object correspondingly.
If data of a specified data type cannot be represented on an axis of a specified axis type, the E2002 error occurs. For example, if you try to represent data of a string type on an axis of a logarithmic type, you will get this error.
See Also
Data source fields must contain values of numeric, string or date-time types only. Otherwise, the E2003 error occurs.
See Also
For example, this error takes place when among date-time values of a data source field, a string value occurs, and it cannot be converted into date-time type.
See Also
Occurs in the Funnel widget when the specified value field is absent in the data source or all its values are negative.
Check that you set the valueField option to a field in the data source containing at least one positive value.
See Also
Occurs in the Sankey widget if any of the required fields are not found in at least one data object.
Check that each data item has the following structure:
- { source: String, target: String, weight: Number }
See Also
Occurs in the Sankey widget if the source or target field has an incorrect data type in at least one data object.
Check that each data item has the following structure:
- { source: String, target: String, weight: Number }
See Also
Occurs in the Sankey widget if the weight field has an incorrect data type or value in at least one data object.
Check that the weight field in each data object is an integer number greater than 0.
See Also
This error occurs when you try to assign anything other than a callback function to options like customizeTooltip in Chart or onPointSelectionChanged in PieChart.
See Also
A strip for an axis is specified by the startValue and endValue options of an object in the strips array. A constant line is specified by the value option of an object in the constantLines array. All these options accept numeric values. If you try to assign a value of another type to one of these options, the E2105 error occurs.
See Also
The min and max options accept a numeric or date-time value depending on the data type. If anything else is passed, the E2106 error occurs.
See Also
Occurs when the startValue or endValue option of the RangeSelector's scale is not valid.
The startValue and endValue options accept a numeric or date-time value depending on the scale data type. If anything else is passed, the E2202 error occurs.
See Also
Occurs in the RangeSelector widget when the selected range is invalid.
Commonly, this error appears when either the value option or the setValue(value) method were used incorrectly. To troubleshoot, check that the range you are trying to select falls between the scale start and end values and that the type of the range values is the same as the scale type.
See Also
When providing data for Chart or a chart within RangeSelector, you must specify argument and value fields for chart series. If the chart data source does not contain the specified fields, or none of their values are valid, the widget places the W2002 warning into the browser console.
See Also
Appears when the specified tick intervals lead Chart or RangeSelector to generating an excessive number of ticks.
Appears if the pane specified by the defaultPane option does not exist.
When a multi-pane chart is used, you can specify the pane to be used by default using the defaultPane option. The name of the pane assigned to this option must be also declared within the panes array. Otherwise, the W2101 warning appears, and the last pane declared in this array is used.
See Also
Using a multi-axis chart), you should specify a value axis for each series using the series.axis option. These value axes should be declared in the valueAxis array as well. If not, a value axis with the name specified for a series will be created automatically, and the widget will place the W2102 warning into the browser console.
See Also
This warning may appear if your scenario allows for the change of the widget container's size. If so, when the size is reduced down to a minimum, which is specified by the height and width options of the adaptive layout object, accessory widget elements will be hidden. The W2103 warning, particularly, appears when the chart hides its title.
See Also
This warning may appear if your scenario allows for the change of the widget container's size. If so, when the size is reduced down to a minimum, which is specified by the height and width options of the adaptive layout object, accessory widget elements will be hidden. The W2104 warning, particularly, appears when the chart hides its legend.
See Also
This warning may appear if your scenario allows for the change of the widget container's size. If so, when the size is reduced down to a minimum, which is specified by the height and width options of the adaptive layout object, accessory widget elements will be hidden. The W2105 warning, particularly, appears when the chart hides one of the axis titles.
See Also
This warning may appear if your scenario allows for the change of the widget container's size. If so, when the size is reduced down to a minimum, which is specified by the height and width options of the adaptive layout object, accessory widget elements will be hidden. The W2106 warning, particularly, appears when the chart hides labels of one of the axes.
See Also
Specify the startValue less than the endValue.
- $(function () {
- $("#gaugeContainer").dxLinearGauge({ // or dxCircularGauge
- // ...
- scale: {
- startValue: 0,
- endValue: 50
- }
- });
- });
- $(function () {
- $("#barGaugeContainer").dxBarGauge({
- // ...
- startValue: 0,
- endValue: 50
- });
- });
See Also
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.