React Common - Utils - pdfExporter
A Promise that resolves when grid data is ready for export. If you use jQuery, the return value is a jQuery.Promise. In other cases, it's a native JavaScript Promise.
This method uses jsPDF v2.3.1+ to export data and create PDF files.
If you use jQuery, store links to the jsPDF library within the <head>
tag. If you use Angular, Vue, or React, install the library with the following command:
- npm install jspdf
You can call this method at any point in your application.
Warning: You need to perform extra steps to generate PDFs with non-ASCII characters. See the PDF Export guide for more information.
In the following example, the onClick handler of a standalone button fires this method:
- import React from 'react';
- import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css';
- import DataGrid from 'devextreme-react/data-grid';
- import Button from 'devextreme-react/button';
- import { jsPDF } from 'jspdf';
- import { exportDataGrid as exportDataGridToPdf } from 'devextreme/pdf_exporter';
- export default function App() {
- const dataGridRef = useRef(null);
- function exportGrid() {
- const doc = new jsPDF();
- const dataGrid = dataGridRef.current.instance();
- exportDataGridToPdf({
- jsPDFDocument: doc,
- component: dataGrid
- }).then(() => {
- });
- }
- return (
- <React.Fragment>
- <div>
- <Button ...
- onClick={exportGrid}
- />
- <DataGrid ...
- ref={dataGridRef}
- >
- {/* ... */}
- </DataGrid>
- </div>
- </React.Fragment>
- );
- }
A Promise that resolves when the Gantt data is ready for export. It is a native Promise or a jQuery.Promise when you use jQuery.
This method uses jsPDF v2.3.1+ to generate PDF files, and the jsPDF-AutoTable plugin to create tables within the PDF.
Warning: You need to perform extra steps to generate PDFs with non-ASCII characters. See the PDF Export guide. for more information.
In the following example, the onClick handler of a standalone toolbar item fires this method:
- import React from 'react';
- import 'devextreme/dist/css/dx.light.css';
- import 'devexpress-gantt/dist/dx-gantt.css';
- import Gantt, {
- Toolbar, Item,
- } from 'devextreme-react/gantt';
- import { exportGantt as exportGanttToPdf } from 'devextreme/pdf_exporter';
- import { jsPDF } from 'jspdf';
- import 'jspdf-autotable';
- const App = () => {
- const ganttRef = React.createRef();
- const exportButtonOptions = {
- icon: 'exportpdf',
- hint: 'Export to PDF',
- stylingMode: 'text',
- onClick: 'exportButtonClick',
- };
- const exportButtonClick = (e) => {
- const gantt = ganttRef.current.instance();
- exportGanttToPdf(
- {
- component: gantt,
- createDocumentMethod: (args) => new jsPDF(args),
- format: 'a4',
- exportMode: 'all',
- dateRange: 'visible',
- },
- ).then((doc) =>'gantt.pdf'));
- }
- return (
- <Gantt ... >
- <Toolbar>
- {/* ... */}
- <Item
- widget="dxButton"
- options={this.exportButtonOptions}
- />
- </Toolbar>
- {/* ... */}
- </Gantt>
- );
- };
- export default App;
The following code snippet illustrates how to process the PDF document when the export is complete:
- var gantt = $("#ganttContainer").dxGantt("instance");
- gantt.exportToPdf({
- format: "A4",
- landscape: true,
- exportMode: "chart",
- dateRange: "visible"
- }).then(function(doc) {
- doc.addPage();
- // your code
- });
To print the exported PDF document, call the autoPrint method:
- var gantt = $("#ganttContainer").dxGantt("instance");
- gantt.exportToPdf({
- format: "A4",
- landscape: true,
- exportMode: "chart",
- dateRange: "visible"
- }).then(function(doc) {
- doc.autoPrint();
-'your_url'), '_blank');
- });
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.