React List API
Name | Description |
accessKey |
Specifies the shortcut key that sets focus on the UI component. |
activeStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component changes its visual state as a result of user interaction. |
allowItemDeleting |
Specifies whether or not an end user can delete list items. |
bounceEnabled |
A Boolean value specifying whether to enable or disable the bounce-back effect. |
collapsibleGroups |
Specifies whether or not an end user can collapse groups. |
dataSource |
Binds the UI component to data. |
disabled |
Specifies whether the UI component responds to user interaction. |
displayExpr |
Specifies the data field whose values should be displayed. Defaults to "text" when the data source contains objects. |
elementAttr |
Specifies the global attributes to be attached to the UI component's container element. |
focusStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component can be focused using keyboard navigation. |
groupComponent |
An alias for the groupTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
grouped |
Specifies whether data items should be grouped. |
groupRender |
An alias for the groupTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
groupTemplate |
Specifies a custom template for group captions. |
height |
Specifies the UI component's height. |
hint |
Specifies text for a hint that appears when a user pauses on the UI component. |
hoverStateEnabled |
Specifies whether the UI component changes its state when a user pauses on it. |
indicateLoading |
Specifies whether or not to show the loading panel when the DataSource bound to the UI component is loading data. |
itemComponent |
An alias for the itemTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a custom component. Refer to Using a Custom Component for more information. |
itemDeleteMode |
Specifies the way a user can delete items from the list. |
itemDragging |
Configures item reordering using drag and drop gestures. |
itemHoldTimeout |
The time period in milliseconds before the onItemHold event is raised. |
itemRender |
An alias for the itemTemplate property specified in React. Accepts a rendering function. Refer to Using a Rendering Function for more information. |
items |
An array of items displayed by the UI component. |
itemTemplate |
Specifies a custom template for items. |
keyExpr |
Specifies the key property that provides key values to access data items. Each key value must be unique. |
menuItems |
Specifies the array of items for a context menu called for a list item. |
menuMode |
Specifies whether an item context menu is shown when a user holds or swipes an item. |
nextButtonText |
The text displayed on the button used to load the next page from the data source. |
noDataText |
Specifies the text or HTML markup displayed by the UI component if the item collection is empty. |
onContentReady |
A function that is executed when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. |
onDisposing |
A function that is executed before the UI component is disposed of. |
onGroupRendered |
A function that is executed when a group element is rendered. |
onInitialized |
A function used in JavaScript frameworks to save the UI component instance. |
onItemClick |
A function that is executed when a collection item is clicked or tapped. |
onItemContextMenu |
A function that is executed when a collection item is right-clicked or pressed. |
onItemDeleted |
A function that is executed after a list item is deleted from the data source. |
onItemDeleting |
A function that is executed before a collection item is deleted from the data source. |
onItemHold |
A function that is executed when a collection item has been held for a specified period. |
onItemRendered |
A function that is executed after a collection item is rendered. |
onItemReordered |
A function that is executed after a list item is moved to another position. |
onItemSwipe |
A function that is executed when a list item is swiped. |
onOptionChanged |
A function that is executed after a UI component property is changed. |
onPageLoading |
A function that is executed before the next page is loaded. |
onPullRefresh |
A function that is executed when the "pull to refresh" gesture is performed. Supported on mobile devices only. |
onScroll |
A function that is executed on each scroll gesture. |
onSelectAllValueChanged |
A function that is executed when the "Select All" check box value is changed. Applies only if the selectionMode is "all". |
onSelectionChanged |
A function that is called after selection changes. |
onSelectionChanging |
A function that is called before selection changes. |
pageLoadingText |
Specifies the text shown in the pullDown panel, which is displayed when the list is scrolled to the bottom. |
pageLoadMode |
Specifies whether the next page is loaded when a user scrolls the UI component to the bottom or when the "next" button is clicked. |
pulledDownText |
Specifies the text displayed in the pullDown panel when the list is pulled below the refresh threshold. |
pullingDownText |
Specifies the text shown in the pullDown panel while the list is being pulled down to the refresh threshold. |
pullRefreshEnabled |
A Boolean value specifying whether or not the UI component supports the "pull down to refresh" gesture. |
refreshingText |
Specifies the text displayed in the pullDown panel while the list is being refreshed. |
repaintChangesOnly |
Specifies whether to repaint only those elements whose data changed. |
rtlEnabled |
Switches the UI component to a right-to-left representation. |
scrollByContent |
A Boolean value specifying if the list is scrolled by content. |
scrollByThumb |
Specifies whether a user can scroll the content with the scrollbar. Applies only if useNativeScrolling is false. |
scrollingEnabled |
A Boolean value specifying whether to enable or disable list scrolling. |
searchEditorOptions |
Configures the search panel. |
searchEnabled |
Specifies whether the search panel is visible. |
searchExpr |
Specifies a data object's field name or an expression whose value is compared to the search string. |
searchMode |
Specifies a comparison operation used to search UI component items. |
searchTimeout |
Specifies a delay in milliseconds between when a user finishes typing, and the search is executed. |
searchValue |
Specifies the current search string. |
selectAllMode |
Specifies the mode in which all items are selected. |
selectAllText |
Specifies the text displayed at the "Select All" check box. |
selectByClick |
Specifies whether an item is selected if a user clicks it. |
selectedItemKeys |
Specifies an array of currently selected item keys. |
selectedItems |
An array of currently selected item objects. |
selectionMode |
Specifies item selection mode. |
showScrollbar |
Specifies when the UI component shows the scrollbar. |
showSelectionControls |
Specifies whether or not to display controls used to select list items. Not available if selectionMode is set to 'none'. |
tabIndex |
Specifies the number of the element when the Tab key is used for navigating. |
useNativeScrolling |
Specifies whether or not the UI component uses native scrolling. |
visible |
Specifies whether the UI component is visible. |
width |
Specifies the UI component's width. |
Name | Description |
beginUpdate() |
Postpones rendering that can negatively affect performance until the endUpdate() method is called. |
clientHeight() |
Gets the UI component's height in pixels. |
collapseGroup(groupIndex) |
Collapses a group with a specific index. |
defaultOptions(rule) |
Specifies the device-dependent default configuration properties for this component. |
deleteItem(itemElement) |
Removes an item found using its DOM node. |
deleteItem(itemIndex) |
Removes an item with a specific index. |
dispose() |
Disposes of all the resources allocated to the List instance. |
element() |
Gets the root UI component element. |
endUpdate() |
Refreshes the UI component after a call of the beginUpdate() method. |
expandGroup(groupIndex) |
Expands a group with a specific index. |
focus() |
Sets focus on the UI component. |
getDataSource() |
Gets the DataSource instance. |
getInstance(element) |
Gets the instance of a UI component found using its DOM node. |
instance() |
Gets the UI component's instance. Use it to access other methods of the UI component. |
isItemSelected(itemElement) |
Checks whether an item found using its DOM node is selected. |
isItemSelected(itemIndex) |
Checks whether an item with a specific index is selected. |
off(eventName) |
Detaches all event handlers from a single event. |
off(eventName, eventHandler) |
Detaches a particular event handler from a single event. |
on(eventName, eventHandler) |
Subscribes to an event. |
on(events) |
Subscribes to events. |
option() |
Gets all UI component properties. |
option(optionName) |
Gets the value of a single property. |
option(optionName, optionValue) |
Updates the value of a single property. |
option(options) |
Updates the values of several properties. |
registerKeyHandler(key, handler) |
Registers a handler to be executed when a user presses a specific key. |
reload() |
Reloads list data. |
reorderItem(itemElement, toItemElement) |
Reorders items found using their DOM nodes. |
reorderItem(itemIndex, toItemIndex) |
Reorders items with specific indexes. |
repaint() |
Renders the component again without reloading data. Use the method to update the component's markup and appearance dynamically. |
resetOption(optionName) |
Resets a property to its default value. |
scrollBy(distance) |
Scrolls the content by a specified distance. |
scrollHeight() |
Gets the content's height in pixels. |
scrollTo(location) |
Scrolls the content to a specific position. |
scrollToItem(itemElement) |
Scrolls the content to an item found using its DOM node. |
scrollToItem(itemIndex) |
Scrolls the content to an item with a specific index. |
scrollTop() |
Gets the top scroll offset. |
selectAll() |
Selects all items. |
selectItem(itemElement) |
Selects an item found using its DOM node. |
selectItem(itemIndex) |
Selects an item with a specific index. |
unselectAll() |
Cancels the selection of all items. |
unselectItem(itemElement) |
Cancels the selection of an item found using its DOM node. |
unselectItem(itemIndex) |
Cancels the selection of an item with a specific index. |
updateDimensions() |
Updates the UI component scrollbar according to UI component content size. |
Name | Description |
contentReady |
Raised when the UI component is rendered and each time the component is repainted. |
disposing |
Raised before the UI component is disposed of. |
groupRendered |
Raised when a group element is rendered. |
initialized |
Raised only once, after the UI component is initialized. |
itemClick |
Raised when a collection item is clicked or tapped. |
itemContextMenu |
Raised when a collection item is right-clicked or pressed. |
itemDeleted |
Raised after a list item is deleted from the data source. |
itemDeleting |
Raised before a collection item is deleted from the data source. |
itemHold |
Raised when a collection item has been held for a specified period. |
itemRendered |
Raised after a collection item is rendered. |
itemReordered |
Raised after a list item is moved to another position. |
itemSwipe |
Raised when a list item is swiped. |
optionChanged |
Raised after a UI component property is changed. |
pageLoading |
Raised before the next page is loaded. |
pullRefresh |
Raised when the "pull to refresh" gesture is performed. |
scroll |
Raised on each scroll gesture. |
selectAllValueChanged |
Raised when the "Select All" check box value is changed. |
selectionChanged |
Raised after selection changes. |
selectionChanging |
Raised before selection changes. |
Name | Description |
ContentReadyEvent |
The type of the contentReady event handler's argument. |
DisposingEvent |
The type of the disposing event handler's argument. |
GroupRenderedEvent |
The type of the groupRendered event handler's argument. |
InitializedEvent |
The type of the initialized event handler's argument. |
ItemClickEvent |
The type of the itemClick event handler's argument. |
ItemContextMenuEvent |
The type of the itemContextMenu event handler's argument. |
ItemDeletedEvent |
The type of the itemDeleted event handler's argument. |
ItemDeleteMode |
Specifies the way a user can delete items from the list. |
ItemDeletingEvent |
The type of the itemDeleting event handler's argument. |
ItemHoldEvent |
The type of the itemHold event handler's argument. |
ItemRenderedEvent |
The type of the itemRendered event handler's argument. |
ItemReorderedEvent |
The type of the itemReordered event handler's argument. |
ItemSwipeEvent |
The type of the itemSwipe event handler's argument. |
ListMenuMode |
Specifies whether an item context menu is shown when a user holds or swipes an item. |
OptionChangedEvent |
The type of the optionChanged event handler's argument. |
PageLoadingEvent |
The type of the pageLoading event handler's argument. |
PullRefreshEvent |
The type of the pullRefresh event handler's argument. |
ScrollEvent |
The type of the scroll event handler's argument. |
SelectAllValueChangedEvent |
The type of the selectAllValueChanged event handler's argument. |
SelectionChangedEvent |
The type of the selectionChanged event handler's argument. |
SelectionChangingEvent |
The type of the selectionChanging event handler's argument. |
If you have technical questions, please create a support ticket in the DevExpress Support Center.