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JavaScript/jQuery Select Box - Customize Drop-Down Button

Use the dropDownButtonTemplate to customize the drop-down button.

This demo illustrates three customization cases:

  • Custom image
    Declare an img element in the template.

  • Load indicator
    Declare the load indicator and a regular icon in the template. Display the load indicator while hiding the icon, and vice versa.

  • Icon that depends on the selected value
    Declare the default and the selected item's icon in the template. If there is a selected item, display its icon; otherwise, show the default icon.

Backend API
$(() => { $('#custom-icon').dxSelectBox({ items: simpleProducts, inputAttr: { 'aria-label': 'Simple Product' }, dropDownButtonTemplate() { return $('<img>', { alt: 'Custom icon', src: '../../../../images/icons/custom-dropbutton-icon.svg', class: 'custom-icon', }); }, }); const $loadIndicator = $('<div>').dxLoadIndicator({ visible: false }); const $dropDownButtonImage = $('<img>', { alt: 'Custom icon', src: '../../../../images/icons/custom-dropbutton-icon.svg', class: 'custom-icon', }); $('#load-indicator').dxSelectBox({ inputAttr: { 'aria-label': 'Load Indicator' }, dropDownButtonTemplate(data, element) { $(element).append($loadIndicator, $dropDownButtonImage); }, dataSource: { loadMode: 'raw', load() { const loadIndicator = $loadIndicator.dxLoadIndicator('instance'); const d = $.Deferred(); $dropDownButtonImage.hide(); loadIndicator.option('visible', true); setTimeout(() => { d.resolve(simpleProducts); $; loadIndicator.option('visible', false); }, 3000); return d.promise(); }, }, }); const dropDownButtonTemplate = function (selectedItem) { if (selectedItem) { return function () { return $('<img>', { alt: 'Custom icon', src: `../../../../images/icons/${selectedItem.IconSrc}`, class: 'custom-icon', }); }; } return 'dropDownButton'; }; $('#dynamic-template').dxSelectBox({ items: products, displayExpr: 'Name', inputAttr: { 'aria-label': 'Product' }, showClearButton: true, valueExpr: 'ID', value: 1, itemTemplate(data) { return `<div class='custom-item'><img alt='${data.Name}' src='../../../../images/icons/${ data.IconSrc}' /><div class='product-name'>${ data.Name}</div></div>`; }, onSelectionChanged(e) { e.component.option('dropDownButtonTemplate', dropDownButtonTemplate(e.selectedItem)); }, }); });
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>DevExtreme Demo</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0" /> <script src=""></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write(decodeURIComponent('%3Cscript src="js/jquery.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'))</script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <script src="js/dx.all.js"></script> <script src="data.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" /> <script src="index.js"></script> </head> <body class="dx-viewport"> <div class="demo-container"> <div class="dx-fieldset"> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label">Image as the icon</div> <div class="dx-field-value"> <div id="custom-icon"></div> </div> </div> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label">Load indicator as the icon</div> <div class="dx-field-value"> <div id="load-indicator"></div> </div> </div> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label">Value-dependent icon</div> <div class="dx-field-value"> <div id="dynamic-template"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
.dx-dropdowneditor-button .dx-button-content { text-align: center; } .dx-dropdowneditor-button .dx-button-content .dx-loadindicator { width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; } .custom-icon { max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; font-size: 28px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .custom-item img { float: right; } .custom-item .product-name { line-height: 32px; padding-left: 5px; }
const simpleProducts = [ 'HD Video Player', 'SuperHD Video Player', 'SuperPlasma 50', 'SuperLED 50', 'SuperLED 42', ]; const products = [{ ID: 1, Name: 'HD Video Player', Price: 330, Current_Inventory: 225, Backorder: 0, Manufacturing: 10, Category: 'Video Players', IconSrc: 'video-player.svg', }, { ID: 2, Name: 'SuperHD Player', Price: 400, Current_Inventory: 150, Backorder: 0, Manufacturing: 25, Category: 'Video Players', IconSrc: 'video-player.svg', }, { ID: 3, Name: 'SuperPlasma 50', Price: 2400, Current_Inventory: 0, Backorder: 0, Manufacturing: 0, Category: 'Televisions', IconSrc: 'tv.svg', }, { ID: 4, Name: 'SuperLED 50', Price: 1600, Current_Inventory: 77, Backorder: 0, Manufacturing: 55, Category: 'Televisions', IconSrc: 'tv.svg', }, { ID: 5, Name: 'SuperLED 42', Price: 1450, Current_Inventory: 445, Backorder: 0, Manufacturing: 0, Category: 'Televisions', IconSrc: 'tv.svg', }];