DevExtreme jQuery/JS - Customize the View
When it comes to customizing the view, you have two options to use: itemTemplate and contentTemplate. Which suits you best depends on whether the view itself reacts to changes in the menu in your use-case, or some other component inside the view does this.
The following code illustrates the first use-case. Here, each time a product is selected from the slide-out menu, the content of the view gets updated to display fresh itemData
. If you must access itemData
to update the view, it is a sure sign for you to use the itemTemplate callback function. It is called each time the view slides in.
- var products = [{
- key: "Televisions",
- items: [
- { text: "SuperLCD 42", price: "$1200", src: "images/products/7.png" },
- { text: "SuperLED 42", price: "$1450", src: "images/products/5.png" },
- { text: "SuperLED 50", price: "$1600", src: "images/products/4.png" },
- { text: "SuperLCD 55", price: "$1350", src: "images/products/6.png" },
- { text: "SuperLCD 70", price: "$4000", src: "images/products/9.png" }
- ]
- }, {
- key: "Monitors",
- items: [
- { text: "DesktopLCD 19", price: "$160", src: "images/products/10.png" },
- { text: "DesktopLCD 21", price: "$170", src: "images/products/12.png" },
- { text: "DesktopLED 21", price: "$180", src: "images/products/13.png" }
- ]
- }];
- $(function () {
- $("#slideOutContainer").dxSlideOut({
- dataSource: products,
- menuGrouped: true,
- itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) {
- var infoContainer = $("<div />").attr("id", "info");
- infoContainer.append(
- $("<img />").attr("src", itemData.src),
- $("<div />").text(itemData.price)
- );
- itemElement.append(infoContainer);
- },
- onItemClick: function (e) {
- e.component.hideMenu();
- }
- });
- });
In the second use-case, you have some component that gets updated each time a user selects a command on the slide-out menu. In the following example, this component is the List widget. Note that it is the List, not SlideOut that is bound to the data source. Note also that the data source is not just a simple array, but a DataSource object. This object provides an interface for processing data, in this example, for mapping and filtering the underlying array.
- var products = new{
- store: {
- type: "array",
- key: "key",
- data: [{
- key: "Televisions",
- items: [
- { text: "SuperLCD 42", price: "$1200", src: "images/products/7.png" },
- { text: "SuperLED 42", price: "$1450", src: "images/products/5.png" },
- { text: "SuperLED 50", price: "$1600", src: "images/products/4.png" },
- { text: "SuperLCD 55", price: "$1350", src: "images/products/6.png" },
- { text: "SuperLCD 70", price: "$4000", src: "images/products/9.png" }
- ]
- }, {
- key: "Monitors",
- items: [
- { text: "DesktopLCD 19", price: "$160", src: "images/products/10.png" },
- { text: "DesktopLCD 21", price: "$170", src: "images/products/12.png" },
- { text: "DesktopLED 21", price: "$180", src: "images/products/13.png" }
- ]
- }]
- },
- map: function (item) {
- return item.items;
- }
- });
- var innerListConfiguration = {
- dataSource: products,
- itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) {
- var infoContainer = $("<span />").attr("id", "info");
- itemElement.append(
- $("<img />").attr("src", itemData.src)
- .attr("height", 40).attr("width", 40)
- .attr("align", "right")
- .attr("vertical-align", "middle"),
- infoContainer.append(
- $("<div />").text(itemData.text),
- $("<div />").text(itemData.price)
- )
- );
- }
- };
- $(function () {
- $("#slideOutContainer").dxSlideOut({
- dataSource: ["All", "Televisions", "Monitors"],
- contentTemplate: function (viewContent) {
- // Creates the "List" widget
- $("<div />").dxList(innerListConfiguration)
- .appendTo(viewContent);
- },
- onSelectionChanged: function (e) {
- // Filters list items depending on the selected menu command
- if(e.addedItems[0] == "All")
- products.filter(null);
- else
- products.filter("key", "=", e.addedItems[0]);
- products.load();
- },
- onItemClick: function (e) {
- e.component.hideMenu();
- }
- });
- });
As you can see in the code above, a markup for the SlideOut view is defined in the contentTemplate function. Unlike itemTemplate, this function is called only once - when the SlideOut is being rendered.
See Also
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