
DevExtreme jQuery Roadmap

Last updated: 21-FEB-2025

The information contained within this Roadmap details our current/projected development plans. Please note that this information is being shared for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and does not represent a binding commitment on the part of Developer Express Inc. This roadmap and the features/products listed within it are subject to change. You should not rely on or use this information to help make a purchase decision about Developer Express Inc products.

Your Feedback Matters
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the features/enhancements outlined in this Roadmap. If you have a user scenario that we have not considered, or if you would like to draw our attention to other aspects of our product, please feel free to let us know.

New Components



In our next major update (v25.1, set for release in June 2025), we expect to ship our new CardView UI component. As you can see in the following image, you can use the DevExtreme CardView to display business data using a "card" UI metaphor (a visually engaging alternative to traditional grid views).

DevExtreme CardView component: cards with employees

The DevExtreme CardView will ship with the following built-in data management capabilities:

  • Sorting
  • Paging
  • Column reordering
  • Column visibility control
  • Editing
  • Filtering
  • Searching
  • Data selection

Each card within the CardView will be fully customizable, with UI elements such as toolbars, covers, and footers (allowing you to adapt layouts as requirements dictate).

CardView card layouts will be fully responsive, will support multiple screen sizes, and will ship with two layout options:

  • Automatic Layout: The CardView will determine the optimal number of cards per row and associated size. When resized, the CardView will dynamically modify its layout, recalculating the number of cards per row and their dimensions.
  • Fixed Number of Cards per Row: You will be able to specify the exact number of cards displayed within a layout. When resized, card sizes will change but the number of cards per row will remain the same.



v25.1 will also ship with a new Stepper UI component. As you can see in the following image, our Stepper can be used to describe/detail progress as users navigate through a defined sequence. Stepper will work especially well for multi-step processes like filling forms, onboarding flows, or wizards.

DevExtreme Stepper component: steps for checkout

You will be able to customize the appearance of individual steps and modify component settings to address specific usage scenarios.

AI-powered Extensions


In our last major update (v24.2, released Dec 2024), we began work on key AI Integrations. As you may know, part of these integrations included the release of the DevExtreme Chat UI component.

In our next release, we will incorporate AI-powered text editing into the DevExtreme HTML Editor. Users will be able to apply actions to selected content (such as proofreading, summarizing, expanding text, etc) and you will be able to add a custom command to execute a specific request to your selected AI service.

Our new AI-powered Extensions will be accessed through a dedicated button in the HTML Editor’s toolbar.

DevExtreme HTML Editor with built-in AI commands

Chat Enhancements

Editing and Deleting Messages


We expect to update our Chat UI component in our next major update and allow users to edit/delete messages once they’ve been sent.

DevExtreme Chat: edit and delete icons above a message

DevExtreme Chat is a client-side component that requires a backend solution. Message editing and delete operations will include relevant UI elements for end users and APIs to modify rendered messages. To edit and remove messages from a data source, you will need to use Push APIs.

Image Rendering


In v24.2, the DevExtreme Chat component shipped with custom message content support, including charts and images. To use this feature, you were required to override the entire message bubble layout using the messageTemplate property.

With v25.1, we will simplify configuration when displaying images within messages.

DevExtreme Chat: a chatbot sends 2 images

You will be able to easily render an image received in responses. For example, if you use DALL-E or a similar AI service to generate pictures, you can set up image rendering using our Chat component.

Scheduler – Toolbar Customization


In v25.1, the DevExtreme Scheduler will include a customizable integrated toolbar.

Configuration options will include:

  • Choosing from predefined elements: Select and arrange built-in elements as needed.
  • Adding DevExtreme components: Include and configure DevExtreme components like Button or Checkbox in the toolbar.
  • Inserting custom elements: Define templates for custom elements within toolbar items for a curated experience.

For instance, in the screenshot below, our new toolbar includes two custom buttons: "Today" and "New event".

DevExtreme Chat: a chatbot sends 2 images

Map – Custom Route Modes


DevExtreme Map will allow you to define custom route modes for different transportation types. Each Map provider (Azure, Google, Bing) offers unique predefined route modes. You will be able to specify the desired route type as a string, and DevExtreme Map will display it accordingly.

For instance, in addition to a standard 'car' route in Azure maps, you will be able to define custom route modes like 'bicycle' and 'truck'.

Azure map 'car' route mode:

DevExtreme Map: Azure map car route mode

Azure map 'truck' route mode:

DevExtreme Map: Azure map truck route mode



We expect to address a range of accessibility issues in both the DevExtreme DataGrid and Scheduler.


Rich Text Editor – Zoom

Planned ASP.NET and Blazor Subscription

Our Rich Text Editor's built-in Ribbon will include a UI to specify zoom level for the current document.

rich text editor zoom

It will also be possible to control the current zoom level and its maximum/minimum values using the Rich Text Editor's API.