JavaScript/jQuery Gantt - tasks
Default Value: null
Use the dataSource property to bind the UI component to a data source, which contains tasks. If the field names in your data source differ from default names ('id', 'parentId', 'title', 'start', 'end', 'progress', 'color'), use appropriate properties (keyExpr, parentIdExpr, etc.) to map data fields.
See Also
- $(function() {
- $("#gantt").dxGantt({
- tasks: {
- dataSource: tasks,
- keyExpr: "taskId",
- parentIdExpr: "parentTaskId",
- titleExpr: "taskTitle",
- progressExpr: "taskProgress",
- startExpr: "startDate",
- endExpr: "endDate",
- colorExpr: "taskColor"
- },
- //...
- });
- });
- var tasks = [{
- 'taskId': 1,
- 'parentTaskId': 0,
- 'taskTitle': 'Software Development',
- 'startDate': new Date('2019-02-21T05:00:00.000Z'),
- 'endDate': new Date('2019-07-04T12:00:00.000Z'),
- 'taskProgress': 31
- 'taskColor': 'red'
- },
- // ...
- ];
Default Value: null
Refer to the tasks property to see how to specify the dataSource property.
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