JavaScript/jQuery HtmlEditor - Keyboard Support

Users can use the following keys to interact with the UI component:

PC Mac Action
Ctrl + C ⌘ + C Copy
Ctrl + V ⌘ + V Paste
Ctrl + Z ⌘ + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y ⌘ + Y Redo
Ctrl + A ⌘ + A Select All
Ctrl + B ⌘ + B Bold
Ctrl + I ⌘ + I Italic
Enter Insert a line break (a new paragraph)
Tab Nest current list item (when in a list)
Increase indentation (when at the start of a paragraph)
Move the cursor to the next table cell
Shift + Tab Move the cursor to the previous table cell
Decrease indentation (when at the start of a paragraph)
↑ → ↓ ← Navigate through the table
Enter Move the cursor outside the table (when in the last row)
Esc Close active dialog
Enter Apply active dialog data

You can implement a custom handler for a key using the registerKeyHandler(key, handler) method.

  • function registerKeyHandlers () {
  • const htmlEditor = $("#htmlEditorContainer").dxHtmlEditor("instance");
  • htmlEditor.registerKeyHandler("backspace", function(e) {
  • // The argument "e" contains information on the event
  • });
  • htmlEditor.registerKeyHandler("space", function(e) {
  • // ...
  • });
  • }
See Also