JavaScript/jQuery Diagram - contextMenu
Default Value: {}
Default Value: undefined
Accepted Values: 'separator' | 'exportSvg' | 'exportPng' | 'exportJpg' | 'undo' | 'redo' | 'cut' | 'copy' | 'paste' | 'selectAll' | 'delete' | 'fontName' | 'fontSize' | 'bold' | 'italic' | 'underline' | 'fontColor' | 'lineStyle' | 'lineWidth' | 'lineColor' | 'fillColor' | 'textAlignLeft' | 'textAlignCenter' | 'textAlignRight' | 'lock' | 'unlock' | 'sendToBack' | 'bringToFront' | 'insertShapeImage' | 'editShapeImage' | 'deleteShapeImage' | 'connectorLineType' | 'connectorLineStart' | 'connectorLineEnd' | 'layoutTreeTopToBottom' | 'layoutTreeBottomToTop' | 'layoutTreeLeftToRight' | 'layoutTreeRightToLeft' | 'layoutLayeredTopToBottom' | 'layoutLayeredBottomToTop' | 'layoutLayeredLeftToRight' | 'layoutLayeredRightToLeft' | 'fullScreen' | 'zoomLevel' | 'showGrid' | 'snapToGrid' | 'gridSize' | 'units' | 'pageSize' | 'pageOrientation' | 'pageColor' | 'simpleView' | 'toolbox'
The 'fontColor', 'lineColor', 'fillColor', and 'pageColor' commands have no effect in the context menu.
The context menu can contain default and custom commands. Handle the CustomCommand event to respond to a custom command click.
- $(function() {
- var diagram = $("#diagram").dxDiagram({
- contextMenu: {
- commands: ["cut","copy", "paste", {name: "sayHello", text: "Say Hello", icon: "blockquote"}]
- },
- onCustomCommand: function(e) {
- if ( == "sayHello")
- alert("Hello!")
- },
- }).dxDiagram("instance");
- });
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