JavaScript/jQuery Chart - valueAxis.constantLines.label

Configures the constant line label.

The constant line label displays the value of the constant line.

DevExtreme HTML5 Charts ConstantLine ConstantLineLabel

The label object specifies the following characteristics of the constant line label.

  • Visibility
    By default, the constant line label is visible. To hide it, assign false to the visible property.
  • Text
    By default, the constant line label displays the value of the constant line. To assign a custom text to the constant line label, use the text property.
  • Position
    The constant line label can be located inside or outside the chart plot. Use the position property to change this setting.
  • Alignment
    To align the constant line label in the horizontal and vertical directions, use the horizontalAlignment and verticalAlignment properties.
  • Font
    To change the font of the constant line label, use the fields of the font object.
See Also
  • valueAxis.constantLineStyle.label - specifies a unified style for the labels of those constant lines that belong to the value axis.
  • commonAxisSettings.constantLineStyle.label - specifies a unified style for the labels of all constant lines in the UI component.


Specifies font properties for constant line labels.




Aligns constant line labels in the horizontal direction.

Default Value: 'left'


Specifies the position of constant line labels on the chart plot.

Default Value: 'inside'

By default, constant line labels are displayed inside the chart plot near the constant lines they belong to. To place the labels outside the chart plot, set the position property to "outside".


Specifies the text of a constant line label. By default, equals to the value of the constant line.



Default Value: undefined


Aligns constant line labels in the vertical direction.

Default Value: 'top'


Makes constant line labels visible.



Default Value: true