JavaScript/jQuery PolarChart - Point.Methods

Methods used to control the series point.


Switches the point from the hover state back to normal.


Deselects the point.


Gets the color of a particular point.

Return Value:


The color of a point.


Allows you to obtain the label of the series point.

Return Value:

Point Label

The point label.

This method returns an array of two Label objects if a series point has two labels, like in a range bar or range area series. Otherwise, it returns a single Label object.


Hides the tooltip of the point.

The hideTooltip() and showTooltip() methods allow you to change tooltip visibility in code. Call the point's hideTooltip() method to hide the tooltip of this point.


Switches the point into the hover state, the same as when a user places the mouse pointer on it.


Provides information about the hover state of a point.

Return Value:


Hover state of a point.

When a point is hovered over, this method returns true. Otherwise, the returned value is false.


Provides information about the selection state of a point.

Return Value:


Selection state of a point.

When a point is selected, this method returns true. Otherwise, the returned value is false.

Multiple Point Selection Demo API - Select a Point Demo


Selects the point. The point is displayed in a 'selected' style until another point is selected or the current point is deselected programmatically.


Shows the tooltip of the point.

The hideTooltip() and showTooltip() methods allow you to change tooltip visibility in code. Call the point's showTooltip() method to show the tooltip of this point.

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