JavaScript/jQuery DropDownBox - Choose a Drop-Down Editor

DevExtreme has five drop-down text editors:

The following table compares the drop-down editors according to features:

SelectBox TagBox Lookup Autocomplete DropDownBox
Accept custom values Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Custom buttons Yes Yes - Yes Yes
Keyboard navigation Yes Yes Yes Yes Requires custom configuration
Search box in a drop-down field - - Yes - Requires custom configuration
Display groups Yes Yes Yes Yes Requires custom configuration
Search based on user input Yes Yes Yes Yes Requires custom configuration
Multiple selection - Yes - - Requires custom configuration
Paging Yes Yes Yes - Requires custom configuration

DropDownBox allows you to put any content in its drop-down field. For instance, you can embed another DevExtreme component and use it to display data. Refer to the DropDownBox help topics and demos for further information.

See Also