JavaScript/jQuery FileManager - toolbar.items
This property accepts one of the following:
- The icon's URL
- The icon's name if the icon is from the DevExtreme icon library
- The icon's CSS class if the icon is from an external icon library (see External Icon Libraries)
- The icon in the Base64 format
- The icon in the SVG format. Ensure that the source is reliable.
Whatever template you use for UI component items (default or a custom) will be located according to the value specified for the location field in the item data source object.
See Also
Default toolbar items support the following options:
- accessKey
- elementAttr
- height
- hint
- icon
- stylingMode
- tabIndex
- text
- width
A UI component that presents a toolbar item. To configure it, use the options object.
Import the specified UI component's module when using DevExtreme modules.
You can specify the widget option for custom toolbar items only.
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