jQuery/JS Common - Object Structures - PdfCell - font
- $(function(){
- $('#exportButton').dxButton({
- // ...
- onClick: function() {
- const doc = new jsPDF();
- DevExpress.pdfExporter.exportDataGrid({
- jsPDFDocument: doc,
- component: dataGrid,
- customizeCell: function(options) {
- const { gridCell, pdfCell } = options;
- if(gridCell.rowType === 'data') {
- pdfCell.font = { size: 20, style: 'bold', name: 'Arial' };
- }
- }
- }).then(function() {
- doc.save('Customers.pdf');
- });
- }
- });
- const dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid({
- // ...
- }).dxDataGrid('instance');
- });
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