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Backend API
<p>Click this text and press <b>Tab</b></p>
<dxo-header-filter [visible]="true"> </dxo-header-filter>
<dxo-filter-panel [visible]="true"> </dxo-filter-panel>
<dxo-filter-row [visible]="true"> </dxo-filter-row>
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="10"> </dxo-paging>
[allowedPageSizes]="[5, 10]"
<dxi-column dataField="FirstName"> </dxi-column>
<dxi-column dataField="LastName"> </dxi-column>
<dxi-column dataField="Position"> </dxi-column>
<dxi-column dataField="StateID" caption="State">
<dxo-lookup [dataSource]="states" valueExpr="ID" displayExpr="Name">
import { NgModule, Component, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { DxDataGridModule } from 'devextreme-angular';
import { Service, Employee, State } from './app.service';
if (!/localhost/.test(document.location.host)) {
styleUrls: [`app/app.component.css`],
selector: 'demo-app',
templateUrl: `app/app.component.html`,
providers: [Service],
export class AppComponent {
employees: Employee[];
states: State[];
constructor(service: Service) {
this.employees = service.getEmployees();
this.states = service.getStates();
imports: [
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule { }
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
export class Employee {
ID: number;
FirstName: string;
LastName: string;
Prefix: string;
Position: string;
BirthDate: string;
Address: string;
StateID: number;
export class State {
ID: number;
Name: string;
const employees: Employee[] = [
ID: 1,
FirstName: 'John',
LastName: 'Heart',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'CEO',
BirthDate: '1964/03/16',
Address: '351 S Hill St.',
StateID: 5,
}, {
ID: 2,
FirstName: 'Olivia',
LastName: 'Peyton',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Position: 'Sales Assistant',
BirthDate: '1981/06/03',
Address: '807 W Paseo Del Mar',
StateID: 5,
}, {
ID: 3,
FirstName: 'Robert',
LastName: 'Reagan',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'CMO',
BirthDate: '1974/09/07',
Address: '4 Westmoreland Pl.',
StateID: 4,
}, {
ID: 4,
FirstName: 'Greta',
LastName: 'Sims',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Position: 'HR Manager',
BirthDate: '1977/11/22',
Address: '1700 S Grandview Dr.',
StateID: 11,
}, {
ID: 5,
FirstName: 'Brett',
LastName: 'Wade',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'IT Manager',
BirthDate: '1968/12/01',
Address: '1120 Old Mill Rd.',
StateID: 13,
}, {
ID: 6,
FirstName: 'Sandra',
LastName: 'Johnson',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Position: 'Controller',
BirthDate: '1974/11/15',
Address: '4600 N Virginia Rd.',
StateID: 44,
}, {
ID: 7,
FirstName: 'Kevin',
LastName: 'Carter',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'Shipping Manager',
BirthDate: '1978/01/09',
Address: '424 N Main St.',
StateID: 5,
}, {
ID: 8,
FirstName: 'Cynthia',
LastName: 'Stanwick',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Position: 'HR Assistant',
BirthDate: '1985/06/05',
Address: '2211 Bonita Dr.',
StateID: 4,
}, {
ID: 9,
FirstName: 'Kent',
LastName: 'Samuelson',
Prefix: 'Dr.',
Position: 'Ombudsman',
BirthDate: '1972/09/11',
Address: '12100 Mora Dr',
StateID: 26,
}, {
ID: 10,
FirstName: 'Taylor',
LastName: 'Riley',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'Network Admin',
BirthDate: '1982/08/14',
Address: '7776 Torreyson Dr',
StateID: 5,
}, {
ID: 11,
FirstName: 'Sam',
LastName: 'Hill',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'Sales Assistant',
BirthDate: '1984/02/17',
Address: '645 Prospect Crescent',
StateID: 11,
}, {
ID: 12,
FirstName: 'Kelly',
LastName: 'Rodriguez',
Prefix: 'Ms.',
Position: 'Support Assistant',
BirthDate: '1988/05/11',
Address: '1601 W Mountain St.',
StateID: 5,
}, {
ID: 13,
FirstName: 'Natalie',
LastName: 'Maguirre',
Prefix: 'Mrs.',
Position: 'Trainer',
BirthDate: '1977/10/07',
Address: '6400 E Bixby Hill Rd',
StateID: 29,
}, {
ID: 14,
FirstName: 'Walter',
LastName: 'Hobbs',
Prefix: 'Mr.',
Position: 'Programmer',
BirthDate: '1984/12/24',
Address: '10385 Shadow Oak Dr',
StateID: 13,
const states: State[] = [
ID: 1,
Name: 'Alabama',
}, {
ID: 2,
Name: 'Alaska',
}, {
ID: 3,
Name: 'Arizona',
}, {
ID: 4,
Name: 'Arkansas',
}, {
ID: 5,
Name: 'California',
}, {
ID: 6,
Name: 'Colorado',
}, {
ID: 7,
Name: 'Connecticut',
}, {
ID: 8,
Name: 'Delaware',
}, {
ID: 9,
Name: 'District of Columbia',
}, {
ID: 10,
Name: 'Florida',
}, {
ID: 11,
Name: 'Georgia',
}, {
ID: 12,
Name: 'Hawaii',
}, {
ID: 13,
Name: 'Idaho',
}, {
ID: 14,
Name: 'Illinois',
}, {
ID: 15,
Name: 'Indiana',
}, {
ID: 16,
Name: 'Iowa',
}, {
ID: 17,
Name: 'Kansas',
}, {
ID: 18,
Name: 'Kentucky',
}, {
ID: 19,
Name: 'Louisiana',
}, {
ID: 20,
Name: 'Maine',
}, {
ID: 21,
Name: 'Maryland',
}, {
ID: 22,
Name: 'Massachusetts',
}, {
ID: 23,
Name: 'Michigan',
}, {
ID: 24,
Name: 'Minnesota',
}, {
ID: 25,
Name: 'Mississippi',
}, {
ID: 26,
Name: 'Missouri',
}, {
ID: 27,
Name: 'Montana',
}, {
ID: 28,
Name: 'Nebraska',
}, {
ID: 29,
Name: 'Nevada',
}, {
ID: 30,
Name: 'New Hampshire',
}, {
ID: 31,
Name: 'New Jersey',
}, {
ID: 32,
Name: 'New Mexico',
}, {
ID: 33,
Name: 'New York',
}, {
ID: 34,
Name: 'North Carolina',
}, {
ID: 35,
Name: 'Ohio',
}, {
ID: 36,
Name: 'Oklahoma',
}, {
ID: 37,
Name: 'Oregon',
}, {
ID: 38,
Name: 'Pennsylvania',
}, {
ID: 39,
Name: 'Rhode Island',
}, {
ID: 40,
Name: 'South Carolina',
}, {
ID: 41,
Name: 'South Dakota',
}, {
ID: 42,
Name: 'Tennessee',
}, {
ID: 43,
Name: 'Texas',
}, {
ID: 44,
Name: 'Utah',
}, {
ID: 45,
Name: 'Vermont',
}, {
ID: 46,
Name: 'Virginia',
}, {
ID: 47,
Name: 'Washington',
}, {
ID: 48,
Name: 'West Virginia',
}, {
ID: 49,
Name: 'Wisconsin',
}, {
ID: 50,
Name: 'Wyoming',
}, {
ID: 51,
Name: 'North Dakota',
export class Service {
getEmployees() {
return employees;
getStates() {
return states;
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