React PolarChart - series.label

An object defining the label configuration options.



Each series point can be accompanied by a text label that represents data related to the point. These are called series point labels. Use the label object's properties to set label options for all chart series at once.

Specify the label object's properties within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object to set label options for all chart series at once.

If you have several series of a single type, you can set label options to the values specific to this series type using the corresponding object (area, line, etc.) within the commonSeriesSettings configuration object. The values that are set within series-type-specific configuration objects override the corresponding common values.

If you need to set a label option for an individual series, use the label object within the series object of the series array. The values that are set individually override the corresponding common values.


Formats the point argument before it is displayed in the point label. To format the point value, use the format option.



Default Value: undefined

DevExtreme widgets provide a wide choice of predefined formats. If you are, however, going to use custom formats, link the Globalize library to your project. Learn how to do this from topics in the Installation section.
See Also
  • format - provides a comprehensive overview of formatting capabilities.
  • Data Formatting - shows how to apply formatting to various widget elements.


Colors the point labels' background. The default color is inherited from the points.



Default Value: undefined

This option supports the following colors:

You can remove the label's background by setting this option to "none". In this case, the label's text is the same color as the point.


Specifies border options for point labels.



Use this object to make the borders of point labels visible/invisible and set up border options such as color and width.


Specifies connector options for series point labels.



This member is exposed by the following entities:

A series point label can be placed separately, near the represented point. To make the relationship between a label and its respective point clear, use a connector. Set the connector's visibility and appearance options using the connector object.


Specifies a callback function that returns the text to be displayed by point labels.



Function parameters:


Information on the series point.

Return Value:


The text for the label to display.

Cannot be used in themes.

The function's parameter has the following fields:

  • originalValue
    Specifies the value of the represented point as it is set in the data source.
  • value
    Specifies the value of the represented point. Differs from the originalValue when the axis' value type differs from the value type in the data source. In this instance, value has the type of the value axis.
  • valueText
    Specifies the value of the represented point with applied formatting if the format property is specified (see label).
  • originalArgument
    Specifies the argument value of the represented point as it is set in the data source.
  • argument
    Specifies the argument value of the represented point. Differs from the originalArgument when the axis' argument type differs from the argument type in the data source. In this instance, argument has the type of the argument axis.
  • argumentText
    Specifies the argument value of the represented point with applied formatting if the argumentFormat property is specified.
  • size (for bubble series only)
    Specifies the size of the represented bubble as it is set in the data source.
  • index (for range area and range bar series only)
    Specifies whether the represented point is maximum (index = 1) or minimum (index = 0).
  • point
    Provides access to the represented point. To learn more about the field and methods of the point object, refer to the Point topic in the "Chart Elements" reference section.
  • seriesName
    Specifies the series of the represented point.
As an alternative to the function’s parameter you can use the this keyword.
See Also


Specifies font options for the text displayed in point labels.




Formats a value before it is displayed in a point label.



Default Value: undefined

See the format section for details on accepted values.

See Also


Specifies a label position in bar-like series.



Default Value: 'outside'
Accepted Values: 'inside' | 'outside'
This member is exposed by the following entities:

Use the RelativePosition enum to specify this option when the widget is used as an ASP.NET MVC 5 Control or a DevExtreme-Based ASP.NET Core Control. This enum accepts the following values: Inside and Outside.


Specifies the angle used to rotate point labels from their initial position.



Default Value: 0


Specifies whether or not to show a label when the point has a zero value.



Default Value: true
This member is exposed by the following entities:


Specifies the visibility of point labels.



Default Value: false